Email Marketing Planner/Analyst
At Flizz we generate revenues at the highest seen profit margins by applying one simple principle; we use the data of people you know are likely to buy from you. We are one of the leading email marketing agencies. We work together with over 250 ambitious brands and businesses, generating over 7 figures every month in sales.
We at Flizz are looking for a highly skilled email planner with analytical talent with good english language skills, to plan and analyze emails for the brands and stores we work with. We look for someone with a creative but also structured mind, a high sense of responsability and a out of the box thinking mind when it comes to planning and analytics.
You will be operating under our planning campaign manager and our COO and report back to them. The job consists of planning email campaigns for the brands we work with, analyzing the performance and making sure that the accounts are performing the way they should.
Together with our COO and planning manager you will be discussing strategies and working out the strategy into perfection. Your ideas are heard as well and together we can grow this department to new heights.
We offer you a very competitive work atmosphere, with a team full of A-Players that want to win and grow to the next level.
Are you the great superhero we are looking for? Don't hesitate to apply! We love to hear from you!
Job interviews are taken ongoing by Zoom.
Looking forward to hear from you!
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About Flizz
At Flizz we generate revenues at the highest seen profit margins by applying one simple principle; we use the data of people you know are likely to buy from you. Jam up your email marketing game to the next level!