Software Engineer (PHP and Go)

WhiteBIT Ukrainian Product 🇺🇦
WhiteBIT is an international fintech company with nearly 1000 skilled professionals. Serving over 3.5 million users globally as a cryptocurrency exchange, we are dedicated to providing an intuitive user interface alongside a comprehensive suite of analytical tools. Collaborating with cryptocurrency projects worldwide, our primary objective is to drive the widespread adoption of blockchain technology.

We are looking for a Software Engineer!


Hard skills:
– Programming language. Skills to write good maintaining code according to code standards and language abilities
– Testing skills
– DB knowledge. Can write and optimize request for relational and document oriented databases
– Understanding and experience with Docker, Docker Compose, OCI
– Excellent knowledge of GIT
– Knowing and understanding common security vulnerabilities and how to prevent them, following PCI DCC standards
– API Design. Design and development of APIs for communication between software components.
– Good at performing code reviews
– Understanding of how blockchain works. High level understanding of most popular blockchains such as Bitcoin and Etherium
– Understand main principles of trade terminal

Soft skills:
– Communication: Effective communication is critical for conveying ideas, discussing requirements, and collaborating with team members. Middle Software engineers need to be able to explain complex technical concepts to technical stakeholders.
– Problem-Solving: Middle Software engineers are engaged to problem solvers. They need to be able to analyze issues, identify root causes, and develop creative solutions to complex problems.
– Teamwork: Collaboration is a fundamental aspect of software development. Being a team player, working well with others, and contributing to group projects is crucial.
– Adaptability: The tech industry evolves rapidly. Software engineers should be adaptable and open to learning new technologies, languages, and tools as needed.
– Critical Thinking: Middle Software engineers often need to assess complex systems and situations. Critical thinking helps in making informed decisions and troubleshooting.
– Empathy: Understanding the needs and perspectives of end-users, clients, and team members helps in creating software that truly meets their requirements.
– Continuous Learning: Keeping up with the latest trends and technologies in the software development field is crucial. Middle software engineers are expected to continue learning and improving their skills.

– Software Development. Write code to implement business logic according technical and business requirements and restrictions
– Writing Tests. Write unit tests to provide technical quality assurance for code
– Code Optimisation and Security. Optimize code for better performance. Write code according to external and internal security standards. Protect customers personal data and security of customers financial transactions on a code level.
– Adhering to Coding Standards. Following coding standards and best practices according to company policies to maintain code consistency and quality.
– Collaboration. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as product managers, designers, and QA engineers, to understand requirements and simplify transferring features to QA team
– Code review of teammates
– SRE first escalation level
– Responsible for following task estimation, technical and business requirements in executing tasks

Work conditions:
– Our own product
– Annual paid vacations
– Sick leave compensation
– Professional working environment

We provide challenging tasks that offer continuous growth opportunities for everyone. We've consistently embraced development and the advancement of our colleagues, ensuring work is always engaging. Our team is prepared to offer support, share expertise, and lend a helping hand when needed.

About WhiteBIT

Привіт, ми – WhiteBIT.

WhiteBIT – це одна з найбільших криптовалютних бірж Європи, яка була заснована у листопаді 2018 року.

Двигуном нашої роботи є жага до впровадження якісних сучасних технологій та визнання й підтримка мільйонів наших користувачів. Ми постійно рухаємося вгору та здобуваємо прихильність як серед користувачів, так і серед експертів індустрії. За дуже короткий проміжок часу нам вдалося стати відомими на весь світ, але ми не зупиняємося і продовжуємо розвиток.

Наш шлях почався із зустрічі кількох друзів, об‘єднаних спільною ідеєю, а зараз команда WhiteBIT охоплює понад 1000 фахівців високого класу. Ми завжди прислухаємося один до одного та цінуємо креативність, сміливі ідеї та бажання розвиватися. Попри таку кількість спеціалістів та великі масштаби проєктів, ми підтримуємо згуртованість, товариськість та командний дух. Ми віримо, що успішну команду можна побудувати лише тоді, якщо кожен її учасник матиме змогу щиро висловлювати свою думку та бути почутим.

Залишилися питання? Постав їх під час інтерв’ю, і ми з радістю на них відповімо з усіма важливими подробицями!

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Job posted on 25 April 2024
142 views    22 applications

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