Icecat middle PHP back-end developer

At Icecat, we are seeking to bolster our team with a dedicated, competent, and dynamic PHP back-end developer. You'll play a significant role in the development and maintenance of our back-end systems. You'll work closely with our team to implement new features, optimize performance, and ensure the reliability of our platform. If you're passionate about tackling complex problems and want to be part of a dynamic, collaborative team, then we would love to hear from you!

Who we are:
Icecat NV is the market leader in product content solutions. Through our services and solutions, we enable brands, retailers, and marketplaces to exchange product content in a simple and fast way.
Our services include a content catalog, e-commerce integrations, and Product Information Management (PIM) systems.
Our customers are brands you’ve already heard of Amazon, Philips, Lenovo, HP, and many other well-known brands and retailers...

Our team:
There are 18 people in a team: backend and frontend developers, QA, DevOps, Support, Product Owner, and Project Manager/Scrum Master.
The members of our team are located in Ukraine, Germany, Armenia, and The Netherlands.

We`re working on a Scrum process, which includes: Daily meetings, Plannings, Reviews, and Retrospectives. Additionally, we have Backlog refinement and Knowledge sharing sessions to promote continuous improvement and collaboration.

Our Current Tech stack:
- PHP 7
- Yii2
- MySQL 8
- Redis/KeyDB
- git.

We would need your competence to:
- Rapidly diagnose and resolve technical issues.
- Participate in agile processes and contribute to all phases of the development lifecycle.
- Develop new features.
- Participate in the refactoring of existing functionality.
- Take an active part in improving and optimizing systems.
- Resolve technical problems and propose solutions.
- Be a part of a cross-functional team with end-to-end responsibility for the end result.
- Follow the development cycle according to Git flow.

Required Qualifications:

- Minimum of 2 years of experience as a PHP back-end developer or similar role.
- Proficiency in utilizing cutting-edge technologies including Cassandra.
- Clickhouse
- Elasticsearch
- Kafka
- Familiarity with PHPStorm IDE.
- Desire to use and master AI tools such as Copilot and AI Assistant, enriching your skill set and driving innovation.
- Prior experience with Codeception, demonstrating a strong understanding of the importance of unit testing and quality assurance.
- Problem-solving ability and strong attention to detail.
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
- Upper Intermediate English.

Please come join us if you are feeling passionate about problem solving and are a customer oriented person.

About Icecat


Icecat NV is a global publisher and syndicator of product information for online and offline channels. We produce millions of product data sheets in all world languages that are distributed through various sales and marketing channels worldwide.
You can learn more by visiting our website .

Company website:
Job posted on 15 April 2024
254 views    92 applications

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