Vue.js Engineer (offline)

Reporting Lines: This role will report to the Software Engineering Lead.


About the Project:

The client is a health and lifestyle brand dedicated to developing smarter technology for women. The company is committed to enhancing the health and lives of women at all stages of life through innovative technology. They combine research and innovation to transform women's perceptions and experiences about themselves.


The interim project involves BigCommerce Remediation Work, aiming to improve and optimize the BigCommerce frontend for the US website, enhancing performance and user experience. The project is currently in BAU (Business As Usual) state.


Technical Experience:

  • Vue.JS: Expert/Strong
  • JQuery/Vanilla JS: Strong
  • PHP/Laravel: Good
  • MySQL: Good


Business Experience:

  • Technical English: Expert
  • Solution Design: Expert
  • Remote working & collaboration: Expert
  • Direct interaction with Product Management: Good


Soft Skills Requirements:

  • Work independently where required but can also collaborate well
  • Enjoys being a generalist working on whatever it takes to solve problems and delight users
  • Thrives in a highly collaborative environment involving different stakeholders and subject matter experts
  • Takes pride in working on projects to successful completion involving a wide variety of technologies and systems
  • Puts themselves in the shoes of users and is aware of crafting great experiences



  • Develop high-quality software design and architecture to solve nuanced and unique problems
  • Identify, prioritize, and suggest tasks within the existing software development life cycle.
  • Develop tools and applications by producing clean, efficient, and well-documented code.
  • Write well-structured developer documentation
  • Automate tasks through appropriate tools and scripting
  • Review and debug the code of team members
  • Perform validation and verification testing
  • Collaborate with internal teams and vendors to fix and improve products
  • Document development phases and monitor systems.


The key Success Criteria for this Candidate:

  • Strong capabilities in technology and preferred languages
  • Good adaptability, problem-solving skills, clear communication, and ability to learn new technologies.


Existing/Target Team and Support Infrastructure: 

The current team members you would be working with are:

  • Delivery / Project management
  • Software
  • Product management
  • UX
  • SEO
  • Content
  • QA


Working Hours & Time Zone Requirements:

  • Daily hours are 8 hours per day
  • It will require some time shifting to align with UK business hours (09:00-17:00).


Typical Weekly Meeting Set:

  • Daily standups
  • Weekly backlog grooming
  • Weekly sprint planning (1 hr)
  • Retrospectives (every 2 weeks/sprint)


Delivery Methodology Used:

All teams use Agile.


Tooling Used on Project:

Jira, Slack, GitHub


Onboarding Process:

  1. Light touch Company induction
  2. Existing dev documentation in place


Hardware & Software Requirements:

Use own equipment


Pre-Onboarding Requirements:

Right-to-work validated


Selection Process:

  1. Screening: We require a full CV that describes applicable experiences. CVs should be clear on project roles held, duration of role on project, skills used, technologies used, and outcomes achieved. Ideally, this will be accompanied by a GitHub repo of the candidate.
  2. First interview (experience): Candidates will be asked questions on experiences in their CV that match the role description (~15-20 mins).
  3. Second interview (challenge): The candidate will work with the assessment lead to complete a live code challenge walking through their process and considerations throughout (~45min-1hr).
  4. Interview with Client (fit): The candidate will meet the hiring manager for a final round to confirm behavioral and cultural fit (~45-60 mins)


Target Start Date for Role:

01/08/2024 (as soon as possible)


Target End Date for Role:

30/10/2024 (3 months from start)

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