Part-tіme DevOps, AWS (offline) $3000-3500

Product / Client
- Amsterdam-based startup in the Customer Experience area
- Product is about CX journeys development, Design thinking, CX teams remote collaboration
- Started in 2020, currently 11 employees, 1200+ B2B clients
- Self-profitable + received EUR 1,6mln investments for fast scaling
- Clients include Samsung, Coca-Cola, SurveyMonkey, Johnson&Johnson

Very friendly and professional folks:
- CTO (Amsterdam, NL)
- Lead engineer (Amsterdam, NL)
- 3 Full stack engineers (Amsterdam, NL)
- QA engineer (Dnipro, UA)
- You:)

- Make infrastructure ready for scaling, peak loads and high data storage
- Prepare infrastructure to first microservices implementation
- Ensure production releases are seamless both for dev team and for users
- Make deployments fast, prevent downtime
- Ensure data integrity - make sure team can rollback deployments, recover data when incidents occur and have a rock-solid backup strategy
- Improve current monitoring to give a better overview of application performance
- Automate DevOps tasks using scripts

Tech and Tools
- AWS Services: IAM, EBS, RDS, ElastiCache, ElasticSearch, S3, X-Ray, CloudWatch, Backup
- Other services: Stripe, Mailgun, WorkOS, Segment, Sentry, Netlify

Current approach
- Monorepository for the API server and webapp written in typed JS
- CI pipeline consists of GitHub Actions where Static testing and E2E testing are performed (using Cypress and Percy)
- CD pipeline for staging and production environments consists of AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild
- Infrastructure-as-Code defined using the Serverless Framework

- Have 5+ yrs experience in DevOps (AWS) and a proactive attitude
- Can speak and write good English to work directly with the team

- $3000-3500 /m for part-time, paid to FOP or Payoneer if you want
- Fully remote and flexible schedule, important are results
- Work like one team with client, communicate directly with every team member
- All team gatherings in Amsterdam after covid / when travel is open:)
- Outsaffing model, e.g. hired by Innoteka, but work as one team with client

About Innoteka

We're all-remote (since 2016!) team of engineers working with product companies as part of their team (even if it's called "remote outstaffing").

Our clients work with us for 2-4 years and call us "secret weapon" and "very reliable and trustworthy strategic partner".

On the engineers side - we hire matured developers who choose trust, freedom and responsibility. Historically, our developers work with us for 2-3 years as well as clients.

It is our choice to remain a proud small firm vs growth-obsessed compromised factory.

We don’t do a lot of “marketing” (don't you think there's too much marketing in this World?). Instead, we continuously do a lot of charity to families in need, educational and healthcare organizations.

Company website:

DOU company page:

The job ad is no longer active
Job unpublished on 12 November 2021

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