Python/Golang developers to build analytics platform (offline)

We are an OpenInfra software platform company, building on OpenStack and Kubernetes, looking for Python/Golang developers to join our team to work on an analytics system.

Your responsibilities:

- Develop components in our platform, extending on and replacing (where necessary) current code, to update with new functionalities
- Contribute ideas for making the applications better and easier to use

Your qualifications:

- Knowledge of Python/Golang
- Clear understanding of fundamentals of operating systems
- At least some experience in system administration and/or network administration

- Experience with analytics systems
- Knowledge of C
- Knowledge of Erlang
- Knowledge of hypervisors (such as KVM, Xen, HyperV, VMware) and/or containers
- Experience with cloud and container management/orchestration with OpenStack, Kubernetes, OpenNebula, CloudStack, vSphere

Language skills:
- Russian
- English (written English would be sufficient)

About Sardina Systems

Sardina Systems is a multi-award-winning OpenInfra cloud platform software company, building on OpenStack and Kubernetes. Sardina FishOS provide enterprise cloud operators with an automated, analytics-driven, fully integrated, production-ready software platform, including tools for the Deploy, Operate and Upgrade phases.

Company website:

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The job ad is no longer active
Job unpublished on 23 April 2021

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