Currently Dmitriy Salko has no open positions.

About DataArt

DataArt is a global software engineering firm. With over 20 years of experience, teams of highly-trained engineers around the world, deep industry sector knowledge, and ongoing technology research, we help clients create custom software that improves their operations and opens new markets. DataArt started out as a company of friends and has a special culture that distinguishes it from other IT outsourcers, such as:
- Flat structure. There are no “bosses” and “subordinates”.
- We hire people not to a project, but to the company. If the project (or your work in it) is over, you go to another project or to a paid “Idle”.
- Flexible schedule, ability to change projects, to work from home, to try yourself in different roles.
- Minimal bureaucracy and micromanagement, convenient corporate services

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