Currently Виктор Вовченко has no open positions.

About DVM Market

One of the main features of DVMarketplace project — is the use of blockchain technology, which allows you to make the platform transparent, open and as safe as possible to reduce operating business costs, as well as simplify the buying process.

The decentralization, globalization and opportunities provided by the use of cryptocurrencies in this project — are our competitive advantage over other business solutions that exist on the market today.

There are three main business areas in an online and offline commerce: B2B (Business to Business),B2C (Business to Client) and C2C (Client to Client).

Each area has its own specific legal and factual requirements and consequences. Our project offers solutions to these questions and as the first platform offers the possibility to pay in the C2C area with cryptocurrency worldwide.

Currently, payment transactions in the B2B and B2C area can be made occasionally with cryptocurrencies. In the C2C area, this possibility is currently not existent.

Our project combines the advantages of Blockchain in the B2B and B2C online business and also creates an online market for the C2C business. With DVMarketplace, old and used but no longer needed goods can be sold to other people worldwide and paid in cryptocurrencies.

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