Currently Roman Bebeshko has no open positions.

About Stepico Games

Stepico is a team of enthusiasts who are in love with their work. Each employee of our company is passionate about games, and a friendly atmosphere always reigns in our team. We are constantly growing, following the latest trends in the industry, and creating innovative projects. And our secret is in careful attitude to each employee.

Support and team spirit are the main values in our team. Colleagues are always ready to help you with any problem. All processes are clear and transparent. And we have good communication between different departments. We are focused on innovations and technology but do not forget about the comfort and well-being of our employees.

We also have material benefits. You can count on yoga, massage, gift sets, and help for life events, like a wedding or the birth of a child. Also, we have compensation for the professional courses and English lessons. Stepico creates all the conditions for the development of specialists of any profile.

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