Currently Tanya Bekh has no open positions.

About ProductCrafters

ProductCrafters - software development company for startups based in Khmelnytskyi. Since 2016. We deliver MVPs that get investments (2 of 3 this year). One of our current projects continues over 3 years. We now have 20 people, most of whom are technical specialists. And 3 open vacancies for current projects.

We work on a new project from the idea stage to launch. Together with customers we write the technical specification and advise how to make the project better throughout development. We choose and justify the technical stack. We try to add 1 new tool/technology to each project.

We provide free training on Javascript, React for students and developers on other stacks.

A typical project is a dating platform for clients from Australia, the development time is 6 months. We work in small teams: PM, 2-3 developers. Each developer is working on one project. We have recently involved a new practice - we collect and test the project daily.
Hourly pay and flexible work schedule

Office in the heart of the city. Ergonomic chairs and modern hardware: PC / Mac depending on the project.

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