Currently Iryna Roienko has no open positions.

About Affekta

Affekta (formerly Skákgreind) is a start-up company founded by Héðinn Steingrímsson in 2017. Affekta has received grants such as Erasmus Plus and from Rannís Technology Development Fund to develop technology that measures user experience and well-being with the help of artificial intelligence. We also have a grant from Geðræktarsjóður.

Affekta develops and operates web teaching systems for companies and educational institutions as well as conducting research on the use of artificial intelligence. Affekta collaborates with domestic and foreign universities in the fields of artificial science, computer science, education and psychology. Affekta’s web teaching system is a revolution in the field of education and re-education. The system is developed so that it adapts the study material and its presentation whilst simultaneously evaluating the experience of its user.

Affekta employs about fifteen individuals with a university education in various fields and an interdisciplinary background. Affekta aims to work on high-quality and professional work that can simplify and strengthen the lives of those in need.

Company website: