Yulia Oblamska
User since April 2023
Last active more than a month ago
Currently Yulia Oblamska has no open positions.
About QuartSoft
Since 1999, QuartSoft has been developing web-projects for online business and leisure, as well as specialised automation solutions for a variety of business niches. During its life-long evolution, the company has concentrated expertise in creating web-platforms, marketplaces, B2B and B2C online shops, social networks, socially significant internet-solutions with a focus on its clientele aims. This expertise, alongside with the ability to apply appropriate project management approaches, let us focus on own product development.Internal policies of expertise keeping and transfer, social programmes and human resource policy ensured not only «Business Leader» awards, but possibilities for the professional development of more than 200 people in 3 different departments. The departments embrace teams of a variety of specialisations: game development, complex IT-solution for agriculture and a new solution with high social significance - behaviour measurement automation system.
So, QuartSoft is powered by specialists of a broad competence range: 3D and 2D artists, game designers and game interface designers, mobile and web developers, system architects, cloud solution engineers, as well as QA and technology engineers.
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