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About CC Games

CC Games is a 20+ employees game studio that began its mobile gaming adventure in 2015 as a one-man company. Our team develops Checkers app on Android and iOS, as well as Chess - Clash of Kings on different platforms (Android, iOS, VR, Switch). Both games, Chess and Checkers have been downloaded over 100 million times.

Last year we launched portal in cooperation with the best checkers players and streamers in the world. Now we are focusing on the expansion of our apps, portal and checkers community.

Want to learn more about our history? In January 2015 the programmer, Łukasz Oktaba, wanted to learn Java. In order to do that, he created Checkers, a small but well-known game for Android. It was supposed to be just an addition to his portfolio, something that looks good in a CV, but the effect exceeded his wildest expectations. Soon after creating the game, he resigned from his previous job to become a full-time Checkers developer.

As of now, there are over 20 employees in CC Games Łukasz Oktaba, and the company is still recruiting. The company has also created another classic board game – Chess. Both games – Chess and Checkers – have been downloaded over 100 million times.

The company is developing dynamically, as the team works on new board games, improving existing products at the same time. CC Games also plans to expand its portfolio of classic board games.

Check our social media profiles or contact us!

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