Currently Fabio Duo has no open positions.

About freihandlabor

The freihandlabor is an interdisciplinary team at the interfaces between design, technology and communication.

The freihandlabor for media and design is an interdisciplinary team at the interfaces between design, technology and communication. Instead of offering a single component of a communication solution, freihandlabor combines the various disciplines in a holistic strategy. Information architects, graphic designers, programmers and other experts from the fields of media and design are networked by freihandlabor and work with our clients to develop all the elements for a cross-media public image, whether analog or digital.

We are convinced that many things in the world need to be made more appealing and accessible. Therefore, it is our highest commitment to communicate in a reduced and understandable way. In addition, sustainability and creative freedom are an important part of our values. For us, sustainability means that our solutions can evolve with the customer's requirements. Creative freedom is expressed in our lean organizational structure and the high quality of our services.

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