Currently Filip Grzymowicz has no open positions.

About DCG

DCG was founded on the basis of long-term experience of Consultants specialized in the recruitment for specific sectors. We were brought together by experience in effective methods of staff sourcing. The implementation of a variety of recruitment projects allowed us to gain valuable experience and constantly deepen our knowledge.

The building blocks for our business became Diverse RECRUITMENT - a division dedicated to specialized and permanent recruitment, mainly for the sectors of SALES, FINANCE & BANKING and IT. Our Clients have come to a conclusion that our possibilities in this respect are paramount – we are headhunting experts with hard skills in IT. Thus, the business line DiverseOUTSOURCING was created.

Continuous development, acquisition of more and more new areas, enlarging our own team and a growing group of our Clients were the factors that have forced us to develop a fast acting DiverseADMINISTRATION unit. We realize that many companies do not want to waste time and money to manage this area, so to meet the expectations of our Clients we have created a specialized unit - the culmination of our work - DiverseCONSULTING. This is a team of Consultants whose task is conducting an audit in your desired area and selecting tailored solutions - whether it is optimizing the costs of certain operations or overall conceptual solutions.

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