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About VentuCella

Who we are: VCella is a deal-focused networking and collaboration tool that helps investors get access to network vetted startups.

For whom we do this: Business angels, VCs, Private Equity firms, M&A experts.

Problem that we solve: Getting Access to Qualified Deals is Harder than Ever. While 95% of all VC firms' return rate is less than 2x, 70% of the world's unicorns are held by only 10 VC firms.

Solution: Create a simple way to collaborate around VC-network vetted deals.

Rationale: A high-quality VC firm referral network leads to a 226% increase in portfolio companies reaching Series A, 83% increase in portfolio companies reaching IPO. 60% of all successful VC and PE deals come from referrals. 65% of all successful VC deals were done in syndicates.

How it works: We built a deal-focused networking tool tailored for Business Angels, VC and PE firms where they can:

► Source Deals. Join vetted VC network qualified deals.
► Syndicate and partner. Find a lead investor or co-investor for your own deals.
► Centralize the deal communication. Communicate with founders, team members and co-investors about the specific deal through text, video, voice and assets streamlining.
► Evaluate deals in one place. Have easy access to all deal details, assets, documents and deal-related conversations in one place.
► Increase network via proper deal flow. Build relationships with other investors through meaningful introductions to vetted startups.
► Onboard LPs. Meet and build relationships with LPs.

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