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About Studying

We are a growing company who strives hard to offer the best learning platform worldwide.Our CEO Andy Mai is a young business multifaceted entrepreneur that made a name for himself in eCommerce, after earning $170,000 from his bedroom. He transitioned from a Business to Customer CEO position to a Business consulting Company and now passionately shares his story and strategies to like-minded individuals wanting to make their own mark in the industry.Since then, Andy has been building strategies and workarounds to make it big in e-commerce. That's where started. Andy is passionate and loves to work with people who share the same goals and vision. Andy believes in hardwork and perseverance and loves sharing his knowledge to help others.

Our team of virtual assistants is consistently growing and our CEO is committed to building and creating exceptional talents. Crafting each employees' intellectual, creative, and personal growth that will equip them to become the best, most independent, confident, and competent team members they can be.

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