Jobs Data Science 73
Senior Machine Learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer
Ukraine · 5 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateWe are seeking a versatile and proactive ML/AI Engineer to join our team in developing innovative solutions that leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies. Requirements: — Proven experience in designing and developing machine...We are seeking a versatile and proactive ML/AI Engineer to join our team in developing innovative solutions that leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies.
— Proven experience in designing and developing machine learning models and algorithms.
— Strong proficiency in Python programming.
— Experience with machine learning frameworks and libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, or PyTorch.
— Solid understanding of data structures, data modeling, and software architecture.
— Ability to perform statistical analysis and fine-tune models using test results.
— Familiarity with tools for managing application state and version control systems like Git.
— Proficiency in English, with a level of B2 or above.
It will be an advantage:
— Experience with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
— Background in data science, including data preprocessing and feature engineering.
— Experience in developing and integrating AI solutions within the FinTech domain.
— Participate in the planning, design, and development of new machine learning models and AI functionalities.
— Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including data scientists, software engineers, and project managers, to implement AI/ML solutions.
— Conduct experiments, perform statistical analyses, and refine models to ensure optimal performance.
— Stay updated with the latest advancements in AI and machine learning technologies.
Junior Machine Learning Engineer
Ukraine · 1 year of experienceМи — «Absolutist» — українська продуктова геймдев компанія. В нас невеличка команда — трохи більше 70 людей, тож ми цінуємо та піклуємось по кожного! А працюємо ми на ринку вже понад 22 роки! Запрошуємо до своєї команди Python developer (Machine...Ми — «Absolutist» — українська продуктова геймдев компанія. В нас невеличка команда — трохи більше 70 людей, тож ми цінуємо та піклуємось по кожного! А працюємо ми на ринку вже понад 22 роки!
Запрошуємо до своєї команди Python developer (Machine Learning).
Побажання до кандидатів:
- фундаментальні знання машинного навчання та глибинного навчання;
- високий рівень програмування на Python;
- фундаментальні знання обробки часових рядів;
- розуміння циклу дослідження та розробки.
- досвід роботи з архітектурою нейромережевих моделей типу «Transformer»;
- досвід побудови, тренування, оптимізації та розгортання PyTorch моделей;
- досвід навчання з підкріпленням;
Стек технологій:
Python, PyTorch, Pandas, Neural networks, Sklearn
Основні задачі:
Вирішення актуальних проблем за допомогою машинного навчання
Ми пропонуємо:
- наявність робочих задач у воєнний час зі стабільною виплатою заробітної плати;
- гібридний роботи або віддалений формат роботи;
- зарплата в межах ринку — корелює зі скілами;
- оплата відпустки (24 календарні дні), всі державні свята, 31 грудня та твій День народження — вихідні.
Junior/Middle Machine Learning Engineer
Full Remote · Countries of Europe or Ukraine · 1 year of experience · Upper-IntermediateAbout us: Data Science UA is a service company with strong data science and AI expertise. Our journey began in 2016 with the organization of the first Data Science UA conference, setting the foundation for our growth. Over the past 8 years, we have...About us:
Data Science UA is a service company with strong data science and AI expertise. Our journey began in 2016 with the organization of the first Data Science UA conference, setting the foundation for our growth. Over the past 8 years, we have diligently fostered the largest Data Science Community in Eastern Europe, boasting a network of over 30,000 AI top engineers.
About the role:
We are looking for a Junior/Middle Machine Learning Engineer to become a helping hand for our internal AI/ML R&D team. Do you want to work on some real projects for our Clients and/or perform R&D of novel AI algorithms and platforms? Do you want to try different fields of AI/ML starting advanced analytics ending ad-hok neural networks optimizations for Edge AI platforms? Then apply and join our team!
- 1.5 year of experience as ML Engineer/Data Scientist or related (alternatively, participation in open-source ML projects or Kaggle competitions);
- Expertise in CV or LLM/NLP-based projects;
- Good knowledge of math, CS and AI fundamentals;
- Proficiency in Python;
- Student/graduate in the field of computer science, mathematics, cybernetics, physics, etc.
- Upper-Intermediate English.
Nice to have:
- Have your own pet projects;
- Completed different Data Science - related courses.
- Participation in AI consulting projects for Clients from Ukraine and abroad;
- Work on complex R&D projects;
- Write and publish scientific papers (and possibly your diploma in University);
- Preparation of technical content (presentations, analytical articles).
We offer:
- Opportunity to grow and participate in large projects of our AI R&D centers;
- Possibility of remote work;
- Development of professional skills and support in acquiring new knowledge (by attending conferences on Data Science, exchange of experience, etc.);
- Friendly team;
- Interesting tasks. -
Data Governance Engineer
Ukraine · 3 years of experience · IntermediateСтаньте частиною команди, що створює цифрове сьогодення! MODUS X — українська ІТ-компанія, команда 650+ інженерів, архітекторів, спеціалістів з безпеки та датасаєнтистів. Ми розпочали та продовжуємо супровід цифрової трансформації ДТЕК, яка першою в...Станьте частиною команди, що створює цифрове сьогодення!
MODUS X — українська ІТ-компанія, команда 650+ інженерів, архітекторів, спеціалістів з безпеки та датасаєнтистів. Ми розпочали та продовжуємо супровід цифрової трансформації ДТЕК, яка першою в енергетиці України стала на шлях масштабного діджитал-перетворення. Нині виділились в окрему компанію, щоби ділитися своїм досвідом та експертизою назовні, залишаючись ІТ-опорою для тих, хто несе світло та сприяє відновленню країни.
Ми шукаємо Data Engineer для розвитку напрямку Data Governance. Наш ідеальний кандидат повинен добре розуміти основні принципи командної співпраці, використовуючи інструменти для роботи з даними, такі як SAP Data Intelligence, SAP Power Designer, SAP Data Services, MS Purview, Amazon DataZone та подібні.
Володіння аналітичними інструментами:
- SQL, ETL/ELT — обов’язково
- ABAP і знання лінійки SAP — є значною перевагою
- Python — є перевагою
Power BI — дуже бажано
Функції посади:
• Комунікації із володарями даних та менеджерами систем-джерел щодо отримання технічного та бізнес-опису щодо джерел даних
• Аналізі джерел, опрацювання результатів аналізу з менеджерами систем-джерел
• Визначення технічних напрямів та термінів опрацювання систем-джерел даних
• Відстеження термінів розробки технічної реалізації, комунікація з розробниками, менеджерами систем-джерел
• Перевірка результатів самостійно та з менеджерами систем-джерел
• Ведення документації за опрацьованими джерелами
Участь у формуванні стратегії та розвитку управління даних компанії
Професійні компетенції:
- Робота у Data-напрямку – 3+ роки
- Вміння чітко формулювати задачу та ставити питання
- Вміння подивитись на проблему під іншим кутом зору
- Практика програмування (SQL, ABAP, Python)
- Практичні знання та розуміння побудови ETL/ELT для DWH і Data Lake, розуміння відмінностей при впроваджені
- Розуміння та побудови процесів Data quality, Data Lineage
- Розуміння відмінностей Data catalog, Business Catalog/Business Glossary
Ми пропонуємо:
• Офіційне працевлаштування
• Гібридний формат роботи, безпечне та оснащене укриття в офісі
• Конкурентні умови та бонусну програму, що дійсно мотивує
• Корпоративну програму медичного страхування
• Консультації психологів
• Безмежні можливості для навчання та професійного зростання
Ми цінуємо тих, хто приймає виклики. Серед нас кожен може проявити свої таланти й відчути безпосередній вплив на наш спільний успіх. Інвестуємо у розвиток кожного, даємо змогу отримувати нові знання та досягати професійних цілей.
Направляючи резюме на цю вакансію, Ви надаєте згоду ТОВ «МОДУС ІКС» на обробку наданих Вами персональних даних згідно Закону України «Про захист персональних даних». Згода надається в тому числі для їх обробки в зовнішніх системах, з метою супроводження процесу найму.
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Ukraine · Product · 5 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateZoral Labs, a leading provider of research and development to the software industry, is searching for Senior Machine Leaning Engineer to join its development center in remotely Requirements - MSc or PhD degree in Computer Science, Applied Math or...Zoral Labs, a leading provider of research and development to the software industry, is searching for Senior Machine Leaning Engineer to join its development center in remotely
- MSc or PhD degree in Computer Science, Applied Math or related field background in Mathematics (linear algebra, discrete math, probability theory and statistics, optimization theory)
- 5+ years of experience in Software Engineering and ML
- algorithms and data structures knowledge (e.g. divide and conquer, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, stacks/queues, heaps)- NLP experience (text categorization, NER, parsing);
- classic ML algorithms and approaches expertise (e.g. logistic regression, regularization, xgboost, etc.);
- neural networks for image and/or sequence modelling experience (e.g. CNN, LSTM, Transformers);
- understanding of mathematical foundations of LLM;
- experience with finetuning and deploy private LLMs to solve specific business problems;
- strong knowledge of Python
- experience with Unix tools (e.g. bash scripting)
- self-sufficiency: being able to work and deliver with the minimal support required
- a proven track record of project implementation from PoC to production
- good spoken and written English (B2+)
Would be a plus
- experience with cloud platforms (e.g. GCP: Vertex AI, Cloud Storage or AWS: SageMaker, ECS, S3)
- experience with PostgreSQL database and good SQL knowledge
- experience with CI/CD practices- experience with OCR
- exposure to Finance domain
- experience with logic programming (e.g. Prolog) or functional programming languages
- knowledge of Computer Vision algorithms (object detection, recognition, feature extraction, matching, projective geometry)
- participant of Kaggle, math/coding competitions
As a member of the Machine Learning team, you will participate in multiple projects related to improvement of business operational efficiency, automated processing of financial documents in various formats (Intelligent Document Processing) that includes structure recognition, document categorization and parsing, information extraction and question answering.
In particular you will:
- collaborate with business analysis, development, and operations teams;
- capture key business requirements in communication and cooperation with the key business stakeholders;
- develop document recognition/processing technology using cutting-edge approaches, including LLMs;
- analyze state-of-the-art papers, benchmark different approaches;
- develop of PoC (proof of concept) and demo prototypes to validate requirements and design;
- develop production-ready solutions in close cooperation with development team;We offer:
Attractive salary and good opportunities for career and personal development
Compensation package
Good opportunities for career and personal development
Office in a picturesque place
About projects:
We specialize in advanced software fields such as BI, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning (AI/ML), High Speed Computing, Cloud Computing, BIG Data, Predictive Analytics, Unstructured Data processing, Finance, Risk Management and Security.
Depending on the project, it can be consulting in data analysis and risk management, with customers geography stretching all over the world or creation of extensible decision engine services, data analysis and management solutions, real-time automatic data processing applications.
If you are excited about development of artificial intellect, behavior analysis data solutions, big data approach then we can give you an opportunity to reveal your talentsПро компанію Zoral Labs
Zoral is a fintech software research and development company. We were founded in 2004.
We operate one of largest labs in Europe focused on Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML), predictive systems for consumer/SME credit and financial products.
Our clients are based in USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and Australia.
We are one of the world’s leading companies in the use of unstructured, social, device, MNO, bureau and behavioral data, for real-time decisioning and predictive modeling.
Zoral software intelligently automates digital financial products.
Zoral produced the world’s first, fully automated, STP consumer credit platforms.
We are based in London, New York and Berlin
Сайт компанії:
Сторінка компанії на DOU:
Senior Data Scientist
Ukraine · 4 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateRingier Data Technology Department is looking for a Senior Data Scientist to join our team. Our team leverages the latest models to predict financial figures or the best price for an advertisement, create user facing chatbots and much more applications....Ringier Data Technology Department is looking for a Senior Data Scientist to join our team.
Our team leverages the latest models to predict financial figures or the best price for an advertisement, create user facing chatbots and much more applications. We’re also working with cutting-edge technologies, like LLMs, trying to create applications that will drastically increase the visibility of Ringier’s brands.
- Strong record in applying Machine Learning to real-world datasets in a productive environment and are familiar with the main ML frameworks (TensorFlow, Torch, XGBoost, LightGBM, ...).
- Strong experience in Python.
- Experience with LLMs and frameworks like Langchain. You know the best practices and keep following the field so that you use the latest ones.
- Deep knowledge of the latest advances in the NLP domain.
- Experience in software development and confidence in developing the full ML model.
lifecycle from research to production ensuring aspects such as reproducibility and.scalability (git, dvc, Docker, Amazon Web Services) is a plus. - (MS, Ph.D.) Degree in computer science, statistics, mathematics or a comparable degree program or equivalent work experience.
- You’re a team player and at the same time can be independent and take responsibility for your tasks. Structured way of working and creativity complete your profile.
- Experience with Palantir Foundry is a plus.
- Full professional proficiency in English.
Ukrainian language Advanced or higher.
- Working with various datasets from different Ringier companies in different business divisions across publishing and marketplaces and in different regions across continents.
- Be responsible for choosing, improving, and applying various methods from statistics, machine, and deep learning technologies in order to solve business problems.
- the data of our users, their interests and online behavior as well as the data of the different Ringier’s business units in order to serve the business demands, and enable the future business models.
- Working closely with cross-functional teams to develop prototypes and products for cross-portfolio use cases.
- Communication and visualization of the value of data by describing the findings or the way how techniques work to both technical and non-technical audiences.
Keeping closely following research and engineering developments mostly in the NLP field, like HuggingFace, LLMs roll in the relevant technologies and methodologies to keep our modern technology landscape up to date.
We offer:
- Flexible working format - remote, office-based or flexible
- A competitive salary and good compensation package
- Personalized career growth
- Professional development tools (mentorship program, tech talks and trainings, centers of excellence, and more)
- Active tech communities with regular knowledge sharing
- Education reimbursement
- Memorable anniversary presents
- Corporate events and team buildings
- Other location-specific benefits
Machine Learning Engineer
Full Remote · Ukraine · Product · 3 years of experienceBig product software company is looking for a Machine Learning Engineer. Remote work, high salary + financial bonuses (up to 100% of the salary), regular salary review, interesting projects, good working conditions. REQUIREMENTS: - Machine Learning...Big product software company is looking for a Machine Learning Engineer. Remote work, high salary + financial bonuses (up to 100% of the salary), regular salary review, interesting projects, good working conditions.
- Machine Learning experience from 3 years;
- Expertise with signal processing algorithms;
- Practical skills with Python;
- Higher education;
- Technical English (higher level is advantage).
- Employment under gig-contract, all taxes are paid;
- Flexible working hours;
- 28 days of paid vacation + 15 days at your own expense;
- Paid sick leave;
- Medical insurance (with dentistry and optics), including the children;
- Opportunity to become an inventor of international patents with paid bonuses;
- Career and professional growth;
- Own base of courses and trainings;
- Office in the Kyiv city centre / remotely;
- Provision of necessary up-to-date equipment;
- Regular salary review and financial bonuses (up to 100% of the salary);
- Bonuses for wedding, birth of children and other significant events;
- Paid maternity leave;
- Paid lunches, tea, coffee, water, snacks;
- Discounts to company's products, services.
Data Scientist/AI Developer
Full Remote · Countries of Europe or Ukraine · Product · 5 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateWe are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Data Scientist with expertise in LLM, NLP, and AI technologies. As a Data Scientist, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining cutting-edge AI solutions. About the Project: We are...We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Data Scientist with expertise in LLM, NLP, and AI technologies. As a Data Scientist, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining cutting-edge AI solutions.
About the Project: We are building a platform to optimize testing processes. Our team currently includes a designer, 3 full-stack developers, QA specialist, Project Manager, and Business Analyst.
- At least 5 years of experience with AI, NLP, LLM
- 5+ years of experience with Python Machine Learning/JavaScript;
- Strong technical and coding skills with a passion for system architecture;
- Experience with implementation of continuous ETL processes, structurazing of AI
- Upper Intermediate or higher English level.
- Develop and deploy state-of-the-art AI models using Python, GPT, LLM, NLP, and related technologies.
- Design and implement efficient and scalable algorithms and data structures for AI applications.
- Collaborate with data scientists and researchers to refine and improve existing AI models.
- Optimize and fine-tune AI models to improve performance, accuracy, and efficiency.
Senior Data Scientist (NLP)
Full Remote · Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Ukraine · 5 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateMelingo AI, a proud subsidiary of Britannica, is at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge AI solutions powered by advanced natural language processing (NLP). Our mission is to develop next-generation conversational AI technologies that redefine...Melingo AI, a proud subsidiary of Britannica, is at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge AI solutions powered by advanced natural language processing (NLP).
Our mission is to develop next-generation conversational AI technologies that redefine interactions across strategic domains in EdTech and B2B markets. As pioneers in NLP, we transform how people engage in education, language learning, customer service, and e-commerce. With dedicated product teams and a meticulous development process, we create innovative AI solutions that drive measurable business impact and elevate user experiences.
About the Role:
As a Senior Data Scientist, you will spearhead innovation in AI by leading the development of advanced NLP solutions across multiple product lines. This role combines hands-on development with technical leadership, offering the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies and shape the future of our AI-driven products.
Key Responsibilities:
- Design and implement advanced AI and NLP solutions
- Drive technical implementation across projects
- Guide architectural decisions
- Collaborate with product and development teams
Required Competence and Skills:
- At least 7 years of experience in Data Science/Machine Learning
- Deep expertise in building production AI-driven multi-agent systems
- Strong knowledge of the LLM landscape
- Experience in prompt engineering and conversational AI development
- Hands-on experience with multi-language models
- Experience in RAG systems implementation and alternatives
- Experience with knowledge graphs and speech technologies (STT/TTS)
- Advanced Python skills, including experience with PyTorch and TensorFlow, production-grade code development, and testing and optimization
Nice to have:
- Degree (MS/PhD) in Computer Science, Data Science, or related field preferred
- Experience with MLOps and production deployment
- Experience with distributed AI system architecture
- Expertise in LLMOps, including connecting AI with production-grade services
Why Us?
We utilize a remote working model, providing a powerful workstation and co-working space of your choice in case you need it
We offer a highly competitive package
We provide 20 days of vacation leave per calendar year (plus official national holidays of a country you are based in)
We prioritize the professional growth and well-being of our team members. Hence, we organize various social events throughout the year to foster connections and promote wellness
Senior Data Scientist
Full Remote · Ukraine · Product · 5 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateAbout the company: It is an innovative technology US company specializing in intellectual property and patent solutions. They are looking for a Senior Data Scientist to join our remote team. In this role, you will design and implement advanced ranking and...About the company: It is an innovative technology US company specializing in intellectual property and patent solutions.
They are looking for a Senior Data Scientist to join our remote team. In this role, you will design and implement advanced ranking and similarity scoring algorithms for the legal sector, using cutting-edge NLP and AI techniques to solve complex challenges in patent data analysis and entity resolution.
Product: The platform is designed for IP attorneys working at law firms and corporations, offering a variety of services by utilizing big data and a global network of experts, including:
- Connect: M&A and recruitment services for attorneys and law firms.
- Insights: Patent analytics, including the rating and ranking of attorneys based on their performance in district courts, PTAB, USPTO, and more.
- Contest: Crowdsourced Patent Due Diligence (validity, Evidence of Use, etc.) and private studies (prior art and evidence of use searches, etc.).
- Community: A platform for connecting and sharing thoughts and insights about legal and IP matters.
Key Responsibilities:
- Design and develop advanced ranking and similarity scoring algorithms tailored to the legal sector, utilizing state-of-the-art NLP and AI technologies.
- Lead prompt engineering initiatives, using platforms like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, to tackle complex text processing challenges.
- Apply your NLP expertise to drive innovation in patent data analysis, entity resolution, and related areas.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand project requirements, create innovative data science solutions, and ensure successful project delivery.
- Seamlessly transition between roles of Data Scientist and Data Analyst, depending on project needs.
- Communicate complex data science concepts clearly to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
- Stay current with the latest advancements in NLP and AI, and assess their relevance for ongoing projects.
- Document solutions in detail and contribute to knowledge-sharing within the team.
- Minimum of 5 years of experience as a Data Scientist.
- Proven experience in prompt engineering, with a focus on OpenAI’s ChatGPT, LLaMA, and Langchain.
- Strong understanding of NLP concepts and methodologies, including NER, BERT, Transformers, and LSTM.
- Deep knowledge of ML fundamentals, including Regression Analysis, Clustering, and Feature Engineering.
- Expertise in designing and implementing machine learning models.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Self-motivated and able to work both independently and collaboratively in a remote team setting.
- Experience with BigQuery Machine Learning (BQ ML), vector databases, vector indexing, and vector search.
Machine Learning company looking for a C++/ Computer Vision engineer
Full Remote · Countries of Europe or Ukraine · Product · 2 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateDeepX Looking for a C++/ Computer Vision engineer for a long-term project Skills: C++ Math Epilor geometry OpenCV (Required) Dlib (Optional) Photogrammetry Deployment on Windows Deep Learning Preferred location: Ukraine / Europe Skills: ...DeepX
Looking for a C++/ Computer Vision engineer for a long-term project
Epilor geometry
OpenCV (Required)
Dlib (Optional)
Deployment on Windows
Deep Learning
Preferred location: Ukraine / Europe
Senior/Lead Data Scientist
Ukraine · 5 years of experience · IntermediateAs a Generative AI Data Scientist, you will play a critical role in use case evaluation, architecture, and development planning, developing and implementing state-of-the-art generative models to solve complex business problems. This is an exciting...As a Generative AI Data Scientist, you will play a critical role in use case evaluation, architecture, and development planning, developing and implementing state-of-the-art generative models to solve complex business problems. This is an exciting opportunity to apply cutting-edge techniques and push the boundaries of AI technology.
-Proven experience in developing and implementing generative models, such as GANs, VAEs, or deep generative models.
- Strong proficiency in programming languages such as Python, with experience using deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch.
- Solid understanding of machine learning, deep learning, and statistical modeling concepts.
- Experience working with large-scale datasets and preprocessing techniques.
- Proficiency in data visualization and exploratory analysis tools.
- Strong problem-solving skills and ability to think creatively to design innovative solutions.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to effectively communicate complex technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences.
- Proven ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and contribute to cross-functional projects.
- Strong research and self-learning abilities, with a passion for staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in generative AI and related fields.
Preferred Skills:
- Experience with natural language processing (NLP) and text generation models.
- Familiarity with cloud-based machine learning platforms and Generative AI services, such as Azure (Open AI, ChatGPT), Google Cloud or AWS.
- Knowledge of parallel computing and distributed training frameworks.
- Publications or contributions to the research community in the field of generative AI or related disciplines.
- Research and Development: Conduct research and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in generative AI, deep learning, and related fields. Explore and experiment with different generative models, architectures, and algorithms to enhance our capabilities.
- Model Development: Design, develop, and implement novel generative models tailored to specific use cases. Create and optimize deep neural networks, variational autoencoders (VAEs), generative adversarial networks (GANs), or other generative architectures to generate realistic and diverse synthetic data.
- Data Preprocessing: Work closely with data engineers and domain experts to preprocess and clean large-scale datasets. Apply statistical techniques and data augmentation methods to ensure high-quality input data for training generative models.
- Model Training and Evaluation: Train and fine-tune generative models using large-scale datasets, leveraging techniques such as transfer learning and unsupervised learning. Develop evaluation metrics and benchmarks to assess model performance and generate insights to guide model improvements.
- Collaboration: Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including data scientists, software engineers, insurance experts, and experience designers, to integrate generative models into real-world applications. Provide technical guidance and support to ensure successful implementation and deployment of generative AI solutions.
- Innovation and Optimization: Continuously explore new techniques, frameworks, and tools to optimize and enhance the performance of generative models. Stay informed about emerging trends and best practices in the field and contribute to the advancement of the organization's data science capabilities.
- Documentation and Reporting: Prepare clear and concise technical documentation, including model architectures, methodologies, and experiment results. Present findings and insights to both technical and non-technical stakeholders, contributing to knowledge-sharing and decision-making processes.
Senior Data Scientist
Ukraine · 4 years of experience · IntermediateResponsibilities Design and develop AI/ML-enabled solutions to search, visualize and explain data from various sources (data warehouses, databases) Compare performance of different LLMs for particular business problems Test and evaluate AI/ML solution...Responsibilities
- Design and develop AI/ML-enabled solutions to search, visualize and explain data from various sources (data warehouses, databases)
- Compare performance of different LLMs for particular business problems
- Test and evaluate AI/ML solution with objective to meet defined criteria for accuracy and coherence
- Contribute to continuous improvement of solution performance and cost efficiency
- University degree in Computer Science, Data Science or equivalent practical experience
- Deep understanding of capabilities and challenges of applying Generative AI in business context
- Familiarity with GenAI/LLM frameworks (e.g. Langchain, LlamaIndex, haystack)
- Proficiency in Python and hands-on experience with ML frameworks and platforms (e.g. Tensorflow, PyTorch, MLflow)
- Experience working with multi-dimensional data cubes and building analytics on top of them
- Ability to work in cross-functional teams in a dynamic business environment based on agile development principles
- Capability to describe business use-cases, implementation vision and technology choices for both technical and non-technical audiences
Machine Learning Senior Python
Full Remote · Countries of Europe or Ukraine · 6 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateThe project is an AI document automation solution. European client. A university degree in computer sciences. Experience: • Strong experience with Python. • Proven ability to deliver AI-based features. • Knowledge of distributed systems and cloud...The project is an AI document automation solution. European client.
A university degree in computer sciences.
• Strong experience with Python.
• Proven ability to deliver AI-based features.
• Knowledge of distributed systems and cloud services (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP).
• Solid understanding of machine learning principles.
• Experience with Docker or Kubernetes.
• Proficiency in using REST APIs.
• Measure and ensure the high-quality output of AI workloads.
• Deploy/manage production workloads for a customer base.
• Creating Python code, and deploy it to Docker.
• Conduct local testing using tools like Jupyter Notebook.
• Integrate AI cloud solutions and adapt them to use cases.
• Perform prompt engineering for customer use cases.
• Fine-tune and deploy Large Language Models (LLMs).• English B2+
We offer:- Cooperation with a stable company with well-established processes and a positive atmosphere
- Experience in project management of different levels of complexity, methodology, and approaches
- Flexible schedule: Mon-Fri (8 hours a day)
- 18 days of paid vacation; 15 days sick leave
- A decent level of remuneration with regular reviews of the results of cooperation
- Extensive loyalty program
Quant Researcher
Full Remote · Worldwide · Product · 2 years of experienceLL Capital is looking for a quant researcher to contribute to the optimization and creation of trading strategies in the digital assets market. We are looking for a candidate with over two years of relevant experience in financial markets, ideally coming...LL Capital is looking for a quant researcher to contribute to the optimization and creation of trading strategies in the digital assets market.
We are looking for a candidate with over two years of relevant experience in financial markets, ideally coming from a leading firm. Prior exposure to digital assets is advantageous.
- Conduct research and perform statistical analysis of futures in the digital asset space.
- Develop mathematical models and assist in converting these into executable code for trading decisions.
- Exceptional skills in mathematical and statistical modeling to solve complex, data-driven problems.
- Proven track record in developing trading strategies within a professional setting.
- In-depth understanding of electronic trading systems and market microstructure.
- An MSc or PhD in fields such as Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or Quantitative Finance is preferred.
The compensation package will be competitive and finalized during the interview process. We assure strict confidentiality throughout the hiring process.