Middle Python Back-End Developer

Required skills


β€’ 3+ year experience in Python development

β€’ Knowledge of REST API

β€’ Strong SQL knowledge

β€’ Software development methodology and software lifecycle processes knowledge

β€’ Experience in Git’s workflow (branching, merging, rebasing etc.);

β€’ Ability to read technical and requirements documentation in English.


As a plus


β€’ Asynchronous programming experience

β€’ Experience with Docker, Ansible, ELK

β€’ Understanding of functional and reactive programming

β€’ Experience with Agile methodology would be a plus


We offer


We offer a competitive and rewarding salary, as well as an intellectually and creatively stimulating work environment located in the very heart of Kyiv.




Development of back-end software for mobile and web banking and other FinTech products and solutions.

Published 28 February
30 applications
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