Senior Project Manager (offline) $1500-2500

StartCDL Project Manager

We are looking for Project Manager to the Product Development Team, for supporting development processes, organizing iterative development flow, and prepare documentation of updates and transparent estimation and quality control.  Data-driven and performance results mindset. More structure is required!


The Product is one of the leaders of driver schools in the USA. It helps obtain commercial driver's licenses. We assist students in acquiring the necessary theoretical knowledge (Learning management System), practical skills (Calendar of Events) and community (Messages) for starting a commercial driver career. The online platform consists of:

  • free public materials, 
  • a paid personal account,
  • and a managers control panel,

with some integrations (like Zoho CRM, Sign and Stripe) and essential tools for an effective learning process.


PM Responsibilities:

  1. Facilitating regular meetings (Daily, Planning, Retrospective) with devs
  2. Get tasks from Product Manager and transform them into template format
  3. Decomposition tasks for development sprints
  4. Structured organization tasks in Jira
  5. Release control: preparation, monitoring, changelog, reports
  6. Preparing reports and analyzing them: weekly and monthly
  7. Analyzing performance with Tech Lead for the development team
  8. Participation in looking for bottlenecks in the website development processes
  9. Improving flow together with the team;
  10. Documentation


Useful Soft Skills:

Systematic, result oriented, attention to details, independence.

Experience with startups and mature companies is a plus for this position.


Important Hard Skills:

  • Proficiency in Agile methodologies
  • Experience with spreadsheets for organizing structured information
  • Understanding of SDLC
  • Organization and management of Jira & Confluence
  • Familiarity with Slack and Figma
  • Experience with UML diagrams



P.S. We are enhancing our web product and transitioning it to new technologies. To achieve this, we need a strong team, robust support, and a systematic approach. Our development department currently consists of 1 PM, 6 developers, 2 QA, devops and designers. We are seeking a specialist to organize daily operations, provide support, and help improve our existing system. 

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