Intern Backend JavaScript (offline)

Start your journey as a NodeJS Engineer with our 6-month internship program that offers hands-on experience and the chance to become a Junior Engineer at our company, completely free of charge!


Languages required to get offer:

English - Upper-intermediate

Ukrainian - Fluent


Our program:


JavaScript / TypeScript Deep learning

Get a deep JavaScript / TypeScript knowledges and train to solve complex logical and mathematical problems.


Practice with Node.js, ORM, GraphQL, RestApi, WebSockets

Gain hands-on experience with RestApi, GraphQL, and WebSockets to build scalable and efficient applications.


Practice with SQL, JSON and Memory Databases

Learn to work with popular databases like PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis to handle complex data scenarios.


Playground with Elastic Search, Kafka, Jenkins, Nginx, Cron, AWS

Unlock your potential with the top backend technologies for high-load solutions in our playground.


Terms of employment


Academic plan

To apply for the position of Junior Node.js Developer in our company, a free remote internship course is mandatory.



To successfully complete the program, each level of the curriculum must be passed through timely submission of all exercises and examinations.



Interns who successfully complete all assignments and pass the exams will be offered a position as a Junior Node.js Developer.


How to become an intern?

To be eligible for an internship at our company, applicants must possess intermediate theoretical knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js, as well as demonstrate practical experience through completed term papers or personal projects.

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