Currently Maria Skybina has no open positions.

About TEAM International

TEAM International was founded in 2004 in Lake Mary, FL, USA.

Today, the company is a trusted technology partner and IT services provider to hundreds of industry leaders and innovators globally. It has a total of 1000+ talented employees and delivery hubs in:

β€” Colombia, Medellin [since 2014]

β€” Ukraine, Lviv [since 2014]

β€” Poland, Lublin [since 2016]

β€” Portugal, Lisbon [since 2022]

Telenor, Atlas Copco, Swiss Re, Coyote Logistics, SwiftPage, COX, Experian, Goodyear, and many other leading organizations trust TEAM to augment their in-house IT departments with the brightest tech talent, build powerful software products, and make their businesses thrive.

βœ… TEAM's holistic range of IT offerings includes:

β€” Software development outsourcing

β€” Intelligent business automation services

β€” Software QA & testing

β€” Microsoft services

β€” Professional IT consulting services

β€” Data analytics services

β€” Managed IT services

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