Solar Digital
Заснована у 2016 році.
Наразі в команді 25+ людей. Основний офіс знаходиться в Одесі, але команда працює віддалено. Звісно ми мріємо повернутись до офісу, та якщо у тебе буде бажання приєднатися до нашої оффлайн команди, це буде дуже круто!
Та географія нашої команди Португалія, Литва, Італія, Київ, Харків, Одеса, Дніпро!
Ми говоримо “ні”:
✖️ Ні поспіху.
✖️ Ні роботи «на вчора».
✖️ Ні халтурам.
✖️ Ні 100500 проєктів у роботі одного фахівця одночасно.
✖️ Ні безглуздого малювання.
✖️Ні зсуву термінів.
✖️Ні перекидання відповідальності на інших за свою роботу.
Ми говоримо “так”:
🔆Так автотестам.
🔆Так якісній та послідовній роботі.
🔆Та вдумливому підходу.
🔆Так аналітиці та оптимізації.
🔆Так відповідальності за свою роботу та бажанню розібратися та впоратися з нестандартним завданням, а не здатися, не спробувавши.
Переваги для працівників:
💰 Ринкові зарплати
📣 Регулярні перегляди зарплати
💡 Неймовірно крутий офіс в центрі Одеси
📑 Персональний план розвитку
🎓 Школи, курси, івенти та все ще необхідно тобі для розвитку
🧑💻 Сильна технічна команда
🔮 Креативна та професійна дизайнерська команда
🧑🏫 Курси англійської та спікен клаб
🏖 Щорічна оплачувана відпустка в 20 робочих днів!
💌 Оплачуваний лікарняний
🏡 Можливість працювати віддалено
⏳ Гнучкий робочий графік
⭐ Цікаві та різноманітні проєкти
Наша експертиза та технології:
Технічна команда завжди тримає руку на пульсі нових технологій та із радістю додає нові технології до вмінь. Тому ми відкриті до експериментів та нових підходів.
Дизайн: логотип, брендинг, айдентика, ілюстрації, веб-дизайн та мобайл інтерфейсів.
Ітераційна довгострокова Web-технологія (PHP framework Symfony/Laravel + JS framework Vue/React)
Креативні промо, корпоративні сайти, маркетплейси, CRM/ERP системи, Індивідуальні e-commerce та маркетплейс Web-програми.
Мобільна розробка: iOS, Android.
Крім цього, компанія Solar Digital розвиває власні продукти, такі як міжнародний сервіс з оренди яхт https://sailica.com
Middle Technical Project Manager
Full Remote · Ukraine · 3 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateTo work on Custom Websites and Mobile apps projects and manage internal processes at Solar Digital, we need a project manager who: — Appreciates time management, always remembers project launch dates, knows how to quote resumes in two languages. —...To work on Custom Websites and Mobile apps projects and manage internal processes at Solar Digital, we need a project manager who:
— Appreciates time management, always remembers project launch dates, knows how to quote resumes in two languages.
— Remembers all clients and their managers’ names, and multitasking is second nature to them.
You will be a great-fit if:
— 2+ years of experience in custom web and/or mobile development.
— Fluent English and strong Excel skills.
— Detail-oriented, persistent, and business-aware.
— Skilled in decision-making, risk management, and team motivation.
— Experienced in project management, reporting, and expectation management.
— Understanding of web and mobile development cycles and technologies.
Technical Background
A clear understanding of the following technologies and practices is a must:
— Backend & Frontend: Familiar with React.ja/Angular.ja/node.js/Laravel projects
— Agile & Scrum: planning, prioritization, backlog management, cadences, sprints.
— CI/CD & Git: process automation, Git Flow, release strategies, code review.
— Code & Quality: API, coding standards, TDD, pair programming, refactoring, tech debt, SEO.
— DevOps & Infrastructure: SSL, monitoring, automation, hosting, deployment.
— Workflows & Kanban: process management, prioritization, team efficiency optimization.
You will perform various tasks, including:
— Understanding any client’s idea, even the most unusual, and explaining the details of its implementation
— Business Analysis for custom projects,
— Production of project documentation,
— Communication with clients and team,
— Management of risks, resources and time,
— Coordination of work of development, design and testing groups,
— Estimate the scope of work for projects and teams to determine technology, resources and deadlines,
— Effective management of personal and team time,
— Workload distribution, maintaining a balance of time/quality/resources,
— Dealing with clients and team expectations,
— You will be involved into pre-sale process for incoming/Upwork leads to clarify the scope and manage the launch process.
Middle Design Project Manager
Full Remote · Ukraine · 2 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateGreetings! Nice to meet you We are Solar Digital, an Odesa IT company with a design thinking approach. We help companies develop and start-ups enter the market. As a result: - 50+ international awards - 2nd place in the rating of IT companies of...Greetings! Nice to meet you 🤓
We are Solar Digital, an Odesa IT company with a design thinking approach. We help companies develop and start-ups enter the market.
As a result:
- 50+ international awards
- 2nd place in the rating of IT companies of Ukraine in 2023
- TOP 1000 companies 2022 according to ClutchOur main areas of work:
1. Web design and branding — development of creative communication, interface design, creation of design systems.
2. Custom Web Development - Creating websites, applications, and web platforms for industries such as travel, maritime logistics, retail, finance, real estate, and more.
Solar Digital values talented and proactive people. Our support is based on these 5 pillars:1. Encouraging initiative
- You can bring your creative ideas to life and reveal your potential, even if you are new to this field.
2. Assistance in career growth
- We will help build your development roadmap and share experience and knowledge. Real stars work with us.
3. Continuous training
- Corporate courses and an English club will be available to you. If you want more, we will cover part of your training costs after 6 months with us.
4. Mutual support
- We don't care, we are always open to communication. We guarantee a friendly and warm atmosphere in the company and support in a difficult moment.
5. Security and a full package of benefits
- You choose where to work in your city. You also get paid sick leave and vacation.To work on large projects and manage internal processes at Solar Digital, we need a project manager who:
- Appreciates time management, always remembers project launch dates, knows how to quote resumes in two languages.
- Remembers all clients and their managers' names, and multitasking is second nature to them.To work on content/promo/support projects and manage internal processes at Solar Digital, we need a project manager who:
— Appreciates time management, always remembers project launch dates, knows how to quote resumes in two languages.
— Remembers all clients and their managers’ names, and multitasking is second nature to them.
You will be a great fit if:— Is a design-oriented specialist
— Work experience in a similar position for at least 2 years
— Speak and write fluently in English
— Skilled in filling out and keeping Excel notes carefully. Excel ninja would be a plus.
— Pedanticism and persistence in upholding the interests of the company when making minor changes to the client when determining additional work
— Understand the impact of each management decision on the business
— Make informed decisions in conditions of uncertainty
— Effectively plan and manage risks
— Effectively manage teams and their time
— Motivate the team properly
— Understand web and mobile development cycles and technologies used
You will perform various tasks, including:
— Understanding any client’s idea, even the most unusual, and explaining the details of its implementation
— Business Analysis for typical projects,
— Production of project documentation,
— Communication with clients and team,
— Management of risks, resources and time,
— Coordination of work of development, design and testing groups,
— Estimate the scope of work for projects and teams to determine technology, resources and deadlines,
— Effective management of personal and team time,
— Workload distribution, maintaining a balance of time/quality/resources,
— Dealing with clients and team expectations,
— You will be involved into pre-sale process for incoming/Upwork leads to clarify the scope and manage the launch process.
P.S. Дякуюємо вам за відгук. Ваше CV вже у нас на розгляді, якщо фідбек буде позитивним, ми з вам зв’яжемося найближчим часом для обговорення деталей позиції.