Joined in 2023
17% answers
We are a team of highly skilled IT developers and experts based in the beautiful country of Montenegro. Our team is composed of individuals who have extensive experience in various aspects of software development, including web development, mobile app development, and software engineering. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality of service, and we work tirelessly to ensure that their needs are met and their expectations exceeded. Our passion for technology and innovation drives us to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the industry, so that we can provide our clients with cutting-edge solutions that will help them achieve their goals.
  • Affiliate Manager (Customer Care and Sales) product Nutra

    Full Remote · Countries of Europe or Ukraine · Product · 1 year of experience · Intermediate
    Ми – команда однодумців, об’єднаних спільною метою та цінностями. Наші продукти є одними з найкращих рейтингів користувачів у Європі, Великобританії, США, Канаді, Австралії та Новій Зеландії. Ми обслуговуємо клієнтів із понад 14 країн. Monte-Pro входить в...

    Ми – команда однодумців, об’єднаних спільною метою та цінностями. Наші продукти є одними з найкращих рейтингів користувачів у Європі, Великобританії, США, Канаді, Австралії та Новій Зеландії. Ми обслуговуємо клієнтів із понад 14 країн.
    Monte-Pro входить в топ-10 оптимізації конверсій (CRO) в Європі за обсягом клієнтського трафіку. Усі наші проекти збирають 40 мільйонів трафіку на місяць!



    - Володіння англійською мовою на рівні Intermediate та вище;
    - Здатність до самоорганізації та прийняття викликів;
    - Вміння чітко висловлювати та аргументувати свою точку зору;
    - Націленість на результат і сильні амбіції на успіх;
    - Сильні комунікативні навички;
    - Гарна письмова та усна комунікація.


    - Підтримка існуючих партнерів, пошук підходів для збільшення прибутків з поточними вебмайстрами;
    - Аналіз показників маркетингової ефективності трафіку партнерів та прийняття рішень на основі цих показників;
    - Аналітика конкурентів, нових вертикалей та ринків;
    - Контролювати якість трафіку.


    Умови роботи:
    — Команда, орієнтована на людей;
    — Клієнти по всьому світу;
    — Можливість надання послуг з будь-якого місця;
    — Компенсація вартості групового навчання англійської мови;
    — Робота зі зручного офісу в Чорногорії або віддалено;
    — Офіційне працевлаштування в Чорногорії (у разі переїзду);
    — Компенсація за лікарняні та оплачувану відпустку.

  • Affiliate Sales Manager

    Office Work · Poland · Product · 3 years of experience · Upper-Intermediate
    Expertise MONTEPRO — multi-product IT company that develops cross-platform applications and services. We are a team of like-minded people united by a common goal and values. Our products are among the top user ratings in Europe, the UK, the USA, Canada,...

    Expertise MONTEPRO — multi-product IT company that develops cross-platform applications and services.
    We are a team of like-minded people united by a common goal and values. Our products are among the top user ratings in Europe, the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. We serve clients from over 14 countries.
    Montepro is in the top-10 conversion optimization (CRO) in Europe based on the volume of client traffic. All our projects aggregate 40 million traffic per month!


    We’re looking for an Affiliate Sales Manager, who is self-motivated, enjoys working in the fast-paced digital space, and wants to leverage their existing experience and apply it at a rapidly growing company.




    — 3+ years of experience in account management, and affiliate marketing.
    — 2+ years of experience with affiliate networks.
    — An Independent and enthusiastic individual who takes the initiative and is eager to learn.
    — Excellent and effective communication skills are a must.
    — Works efficiently & effectively, completing assigned tasks on time with little to no error.
    — Comfortable with interpreting data with strategic impact.
    — Must be strategic, flexible, tenacious, and results-oriented.
    — Must be comfortable interacting with clients and maintaining a professional demeanor.
    — Adept at dealing with a constantly changing, fast-paced, deadline-driven environment..
    — Ability to work collaboratively with teams.
    — Takes ownership of their work & its efficacy.
    — Proficiency in English at the Upper Intermediate level and above.
    — Ability to self-organize and accept challenges.
    — Ability to clearly express and argue one’s point of view.
    — Focus on the result and strong ambitions for success.
    — Strong communication skills.
    — Good written and oral communication.




    — Attracting and building relationships with current partners and attracting new ones.
    — Representing the company at conferences, meetings, and forums.
    — Developing relationships with B2B partners on behalf of a direct advertiser.
    — Company brand development.
    — Generate and follow up on leads and be charismatic and an out-of-the-box thinker.
    — Extensive experience purchasing and managing various online media (banners, emails, pops, contextual, paid search, text links, etc.).
    — Experience with organic search campaigns.
    — Interactions with Analysts, business developers, and affiliate support managers to improve partner performance.
    — Finding approaches to increase earnings with current webmasters.
    — Analysis of indicators of marketing efficiency of partners’ traffic and decision-making based on these indicators.
    — Analysis of competitors, new verticals, and markets.
    — Monitor traffic quality.


    We offer


    — Office in Poland, Warsaw (Relocation);
    — People-driven team;
    — Clients worldwide;
    — The international team of talented people;
    — Compensation for the cost of group English language training;
    — Compensation for sick leave and paid vacation.

  • Media Buying (Junior and Middle) (Nutra)

    Full Remote · Countries of Europe or Ukraine · Product · 1 year of experience · Pre-Intermediate
    Expertise MONTEPRO — multi-product IT company that develops cross-platform applications and services. We are looking for a Media Buyer to join our team of like-minded people united by a common goal and values. Our products are among the top user...

         Expertise MONTEPRO — multi-product IT company that develops cross-platform applications and services.
         We are looking for a Media Buyer to join our team of like-minded people united by a common goal and values. Our products are among the top user ratings in Europe, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. We serve clients from over 14 countries.
    Montepro is in the top-10 conversion optimization (CRO) in Europe based on the volume of client traffic. All our projects aggregate 40 million traffic per month!



    — Launching, managing and scaling advertising campaigns on Facebook;
    — Optimization and analysis of advertising campaigns;
    — Searching, testing and scaling new links and approaches;
    — Creating and testing creatives.



    — Experience with traffic flooding to Tier 1-2 countries;
    — Experience in the Nutra vertical for more than 1 year, preferably with cases for the last 6 months;
    — Experience with advertising budgets from $1,000 per day;
    — Analytical mindset, communication skills, systematic approach.


    Work conditions

    — Fixed motivation + % bonus;
    — Probationary period: 1-2 months (with fixed motivation and %);
    — Work with a direct advertiser in the nutra SS sphere;
    — People-driven team;
    — Clients worldwide;
    — The international team of talented people;
    — Possibility to deliver services from any location;
    — Compensation for the cost of group English language training;
    — Work from a convenient office in Montenegro or remotely;
    — Official employment in Montenegro (in case of relocation);
    — Compensation for sick leave and paid vacation.

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