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Innovecs is a global digital transformation tech company. For over a decade, we create digital solutions powered by innovative technologies and incorporate emerging trends to help businesses transform and grow.
Let numbers speak for ourselves:
13 locations on a world map
60+ projects
100+ clients served
850+ professionals
127% growth over the past 3Y.
Innovecs’ team has expertise in the development of software solutions in the fields of Supply Chain & Logistics, FinTech, Healthtech, AdTech, Software & Hightech, and Gaming & Entertainment.
For the fifth year in a row, Innovecs is included in the Inc. 5000, the list of the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S., and Global Outsourcing 100®, the rating of the best global outsourcing companies by IAOP®.
Headquartered in Miami, United States, Innovecs is a global company with offices located in different parts of the world: North and South America, Europe, Australia, and Western Asia.
Here at Innovecs, we promote equal opportunities and embrace diversity in our teams in terms of work experience, area of expertise, culture, religion, gender, and ethnicity. We are committed to building a tight-knit, team tradition-loving community that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills.
Let numbers speak for ourselves:
13 locations on a world map
60+ projects
100+ clients served
850+ professionals
127% growth over the past 3Y.
Innovecs’ team has expertise in the development of software solutions in the fields of Supply Chain & Logistics, FinTech, Healthtech, AdTech, Software & Hightech, and Gaming & Entertainment.
For the fifth year in a row, Innovecs is included in the Inc. 5000, the list of the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S., and Global Outsourcing 100®, the rating of the best global outsourcing companies by IAOP®.
Headquartered in Miami, United States, Innovecs is a global company with offices located in different parts of the world: North and South America, Europe, Australia, and Western Asia.
Here at Innovecs, we promote equal opportunities and embrace diversity in our teams in terms of work experience, area of expertise, culture, religion, gender, and ethnicity. We are committed to building a tight-knit, team tradition-loving community that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills.
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