Flutter Developer

- Experience in creating applications using Flutter for 3+ years
- Knowledge of SQLite language
- Experience with REST API
- Experience with GIT
- Experience with third-party services for push notifications, Google Maps, etc.
- Knowledge of OOP, MVXX (MVP, MVC, MVVM) architecture, and their implementation
- Understanding of SOLID principles and Clean Architecture
- Experience in an Agile environment
- Understanding the basics of UI/UX, the ability to work with Figma

- Design, build, and scale mobile applications using Flutter
Implement elements and user interface functionality for cross-platform applications
- Write quality, well-maintained code
- Implement application functionality across the whole range of tasks: network communication, UI, business logic, integration with third-party services
- Communicate with team, managers, and clients

About :DTeam

Ми ІТ-аутсорсингова компанія, яка надає послуги з розробки програмного забезпечення, тестування та DevOps для стартапів, технологічних компаній і прямих клієнтів.

Детальну інформацію про нас можете прочитати на нашому сайті https://dteam.dev/ або https://clutch.co/profile/dteam

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Job posted on 22 April 2024
89 views    16 applications

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