2D Artist (casino)

🎮 Requirements:

Strong fundamental artistic ability, including knowledge of human anatomy, proportion, and perspective.
Previous experience in game development and making game art.
Expertise in Photoshop and other relevant software.
Ability to final render in a variety of styles to suit the needs of different projects.
Comfortable withdrawing both characters and backgrounds.
Solid understanding of composition, color, shading, and lighting.
Passionate and avid learner who stays up-to-date with industry trends and is always looking to improve.
Self-starter with a ‘can-do’ attitude

🎮 Responsibilities:

Create visually stunning game characters, assets, environments, and promotional art
Collaborate with the Art Director to establish the art style and maintain high-quality standards for the new game
Enhance and refine existing artwork
Provide guidance and mentorship to other artists, as needed, and continuously improve best practices, tools, and production processes within the team.

About UPPeople


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Accurate ⇨ We match credentials to your requirements. Only candidates who are interested in your opening and fit perfect to your needs

Flexible ⇨ Custom-tailored agreements and payment terms — now available!

Innovative ⇨ We use our own innovative algorithms and software in order for you to hire the best candidates faster

Focused ⇨ IT professionals is our only specialty

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Job posted on 29 April 2024
132 views    23 applications

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