Illustrator (offline) $500-3000

πŸš€ The TurnKey Art Fest


Location: Wherever you can take your creativity with you (Remote)


Contest Details:


Your mission is to create a stunning illustration that reflects the spirit of innovation and creativity at TurnKey. Demonstrate how technology and creativity intertwine in your works. Your creation should inspire, evoke emotions, and be memorable. Read details:


Work Publication:


In order to submit your illustration for the contest, simply post it on your Instagram, LinkedIn, or Behance account and tag #TurnKeyArtFest and #TurnKey_Staffing in your post. Also, please use this sentence as the description for your post: β€œI am participating in ArtFest by TurnKey Staffing - The #1 Offshore Tech Staffing Firm!"



πŸ† First Place: $3,000 (USD).

πŸ₯ˆ Second Place: $1,000 (USD).

πŸ₯‰ Third Place: $500 (USD).

πŸ’₯ Most Popular Post: $500 (USD) (for the highest number of likes with our hashtag).

Every awesome artist who participates will get our cool "Guide to Digital Creation in a Fully Remote World"!


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