Senior DevSecOps Offline


Excellent expertise in development, provisioning, automated testing, security audit, and maintenance of:

β€” Distributed computer systems

β€” High-load systems

β€” Fault-tolerant systems

β€” Real-time systems

β€” Networking

β€” IT Security

Cloud Technologies:

β€” Kubernetes, Helm 3

β€” Docker

β€” Apache OpenStack

β€” Rancher 2, Rancher 1.6

β€” K3s, K3c, K3d

Infrastructure Tools and Technologies:

β€” GitLab, GitLab CI/CD

β€” Unit, functional, E2E tests automation with CI

β€” OpenVPN

β€” OpenLDAP

β€” Minio

Frameworks and Technologies:

β€” Angular 10

β€” Node.js

β€” Apollo Platform

β€” GraphQL

β€” Flutter

β€” Cypress, Mocha, Chai

Programming Languages:

β€” TypeScript/JavaScript

β€” Dart

β€” Bash

β€” GoLang Template

β€” GoLang


β€” PostgreSQL

β€” MySQL / MariaDB

β€” Apache CouchDB

β€” Apache Cassandra

β€” ElasticSearch


β€” RabbitMQ


Good to have experience in the following areas

Cloud Technologies:

β€” AWS

β€” Azure

Infrastructure Tools and Technologies:

β€” Apache Nova, Apache Neutron, Apache Designate, Apache Cinder

β€” JetBrains YouTrack

β€” Jetstack Cert-manager

β€” Traefik

β€” Nginx


β€” ng-zorro-antd

β€” Typestack

β€” type-graphql


β€” Apache Kafka