Currently Christina Sier has no open positions.

About Stryber AG

We are Stryber - the largest independent corporate portfolio builder in Europe.

We build corporate unicorns, help our clients launch new digital ventures from scratch (and fix the strategy behind it).

We are a team of 90+ exceptional venturers collaborating from Munich, Zurich, Kyiv, and London and now growing in Valencia and in the UAE (Abu Dhabi/Dubai). We come from over 22 countries and love to be excellent and different. At Stryber you can expect a no-bullshit, down-to-earth, yet high caliber work environment.

Our approach - we build prototypes and MVPs to test and iterate business ideas quickly in the market. Later, we scale and grow the most promising ones to let them become leading solutions in their market. We are full stack – from analytically sound investment theses over rapid MVPs to sophisticated deep-tech solutions, we have a variety of start-up projects ahead of us in several exciting verticals, such as FinTech, PropTech, Digital Health, Food & Beverage or MarTech. Among all corporate venture builders, we are the “strategic” one - we have a comprehensive view on strategy and governance questions around corporate venture building.

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