Currently Andrew Zavadsky has no open positions.

About Gelato

Gelato has built the world's largest and most global network for on-demand production of customized items e.g. t-shirts, wall art, mugs, books, hoodies, and cards. We support a new wave of e-commerce entrepreneurs and the global shift towards local and more sustainable production.

We own no assets - we build the software that connects world-class production facilities all across the world. We have more than 100 production partners in 32 countries. In 72 hours we can reach more than 5 billion people with customized products in a smarter, faster, and greener way.

**Why we exist**

Gelato is here to make creators around the world turn their dreams into reality. To help unlock their potential. To connect people and ideas everywhere, and turn them into real products that can be sold anywhere. Together we bring creativity to life. And into business.

The experience of running millions of micro-orders and expanding its network of production partners to serve its fast-growing global customer base became the foundation for what Gelato is today - rethinking production, for the benefit of people and planet. Through its network of more than 100 local production partners in 33 countries, Gelato gives creators access to a global production platform, where high-quality custom products such as clothing and wall-art can be produced locally while reaching a global market. By that Gelato is able to reduce shipping distances and delivery times, which is why products produced through Gelato’s platform are both faster, smarter and more sustainable.

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