Currently Людмила Забедюк has no open positions.

About JBW Soft

Our mission is to satisfy our customers’ needs by creating high-quality products and to help our clients take advantage of the latest IT technologies.

Why us?
1. Actual experience
There are a huge amount of potential ways of development in JBW Soft. You will be surrounded by supreme professionals ready to share their knowledge.
Our inspiration is problem solving and delivering cutting-edge technology and products that create satisfied customers.

2. Career opportunities
We offer great benefits, flexible work schedule, ongoing training and customized development opportunities.
We are not afraid of challenges, so you’ll have interesting and difficult tasks, that will help you grow and improve your skills.

3. Friendly team
You will collaborate in an open-minded, creative and friendly atmosphere to work towards one unified goal - growth.
You'll join a great team that is focused on the excellence and result.

With headquarters in US and production office in Kiev, Ukraine we are constantly developing and seeking new opportunities.

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