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About Kreatif Klub

Kreatif Klub B.V. is an IT agency based in the Netherlands that collaborates directly with clients, creative agencies and investment companies, shouldering the technical responsibilities of their projects. Our clientele spans across various markets, including real estate, industrial services, e-commerce, among others, and we are currently working on several long-term product development projects.

At Kreatif Klub B.V., we prioritize maintaining a friendly, honest, and quality-focused environment that encourages open communication. We are not an outsourcing company and plan to limit our team size to a maximum of 10-15 developers.

For our websites, we use Craft CMS with a headless setup via GraphQL, and for e-commerce projects, we utilize Craft Commerce.

Unfortunately, due to the war, we had to shut down our Ukrainian office. Nonetheless, we are grateful for our clients' support, and our team continues to remain active remotely. Moreover, we are still expanding.

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