Currently Evaldas Miliauskas has no open positions.

About StackTome

A startup that has built data platform which helps companies to organize their eCommerce data.

We collect customer, website, and paid media data as events and use it to help companies with their online business through products like customer review management, segmentation, and data platform. Data is the new oil that is essential for modern online companies to get an edge in the market.

Technologies we use regularly

β€” Scala
β€” Kafka
β€” Apache Ignite
β€” Akka-streams / akka-http
β€” Spark
β€” Cats
β€” HDFS
β€” Zeppelin
β€” Kubernetes / Helm / Docker
β€” Python
β€” Celery
β€” Angular
β€” Node.js
β€” BigQuery
β€” Kong
β€” Swagger
β€” Jenkins
β€” GCP
β€” Prometheus / Grafana
β€” Github

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