Kateryna Zaika
Verified Employer
Done successful hires on Djinni
Good rating with candidates
User since June 2023
Last active yesterday
Currently Kateryna Zaika has no open positions.
About Trueplay
Trueplay is a tech company that turns over digital industries by tokenizing and moving businesses to Web3.We carry out brands from Web2 to Web3, making it safe and easy.
Our focus is on creation a solid ground for businesses to develop and communicate in the Web3 format.
Our mission is to tokenize businesses so every user can access transparent information and brands to open up new opportunities.
Our vision: we develop a culture of transparency by empowering brands to build credibility in their relationships with stakeholders such as partners, customers, and users.
Used technologies: VueJs, TypeScript, Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Quartz, PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, Microservices, AWS, Kubernetes(EKS), Aurora, S3, Sentry, ELK, Grafana, Prometheus, REST, WebSockets, GitLab, Maven, Gradle
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