Currently Valeriia Vitiuk has no open positions.


PIN-UP.BUSINESS — PIN-UP.BUSINESS is a branch of the PIN-UP.GLOBAL ecosystem focused on outsourcing and high-quality execution of business processes. The companies included in PIN-UP.BUSINESS have solid expertise in business process management outsourcing and architecting — from strategic planning, operation excellence, HR, recruitment to legal, finance and administration. PIN-UP.BUSINESS applies the best practices of doing outsourcing business to achieve the goals of the customer. PIN-UP.BUSINESS grow businesses from scratch.

The main direction of PIN-UP.BUSINESS:
- Strategic Planning;
- Legal Structuring;
- Business Process Management;
- Operation Optimization;
- Project Management Frameworks;
- Full Cycle Recruitment Process;
- Human Capital Management;
- Finance and Accounting;
- Online and Offline Administration.

Essential facts about PIN-UP.BUSINESS:
- We are the basis for the correct and rapid development and growth of business.
- The starting point from which companies of any size develop and grow — initially configured and structured, capable of scaling and growing, functional, open to interaction and cooperation.
- We love and know how to clean up, launch and configure business processes, ensure the operation of basic and supporting functions.
- We are professionals in the strategy and tactics of doing business on the right and solid basis using the most advanced and innovative management methods.
- We are a team of like-minded people, where a win-win interaction strategy is a way to achieve goals and development.

What will a PIN-UP.BUSINESS employee get?
- A clear understanding of what function it will perform and what business goals should be achieved;
- interaction with a team of like-minded people, the absence of bureaucratic procedures and useless policies;
- LEAN methodology of process and project management;
- constant self-improvement, the ability to think outside the box and achieve new and better results.

Mission PIN-UP. BUSINESS — functioning as the DNA of the ecosystem, grow organically and be leaders, laying a solid foundation in the form of an adaptive, open and constantly improving structure.

Our values reflect our way of living and interacting with employees, partners, investors, and customers:
- Partnership. Our focus is on Win-Win communication and, as we work together toward a shared goal, we are happy to help each other.
- Innovation. We analyze and think strategically to predict new trends and influence development through technology. We set trends, not follow them.
- Quality. As we pour our energy into the things we genuinely believe in, we bravely take on new challenges and monitor technological trends to offer the best solutions.
- Community. People are our main asset. We care deeply about ensuring the conditions for comfortable work, creativity, and development within PIN-UP. BUSINESS.
- Balance. We follow the principles of work-life balance. At PIN-UP.BUSINESS, our concern is not just a comfortable work environment, but we also pay a lot of attention to the organization of the team's leisure time, even when working remotely.

PIN-UP.BUSINESS is a socially responsible and adheres to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
- Sound Health.
- Quality Education.
- Gender Equality (Inclusion).
- Responsible Consumption.
- Partnership for Sustainable Development.

PIN-UP.BUSINESS is one of the activities of PIN-UP GLOBAL.
PIN-UP GLOBAL is an ecosystem of independent companies involved in the life cycle of various entertainment products.

PIN-UP GLOBAL condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine and actively helps the state in the struggle on the economic front. The main thing for us is people. This is why PIN-UP GLOBAL started a charity fund, PIN-UP FOUNDATION. Charitable programs that will be aimed at helping Ukrainians and restore the country.

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