Currently Cristian Batista Herrera has no open positions.

About Praos Health Inc

Praos Health ( is an Austin, Texas based technology company, part of the TalentLaunch Group ( headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. Our mobile-first platform enhances a candidate's (healthcare clinicians) job search experience by matching them to relevant jobs from employers.

We are embarking on several exciting projects to expand our platform capabilities and that will define our service portfolio in the years ahead. Our current platform comprises of web applications and mobile apps. We’re using a modified MERN/MEAN stack: ReactJS/AngularJS for the front-end. We drive intelligence through our backend with Node.js and use MongoDB (both hosted and CloudManager). The architecture is service based with RestFul APIs for integrations. Main integrations are to Twilio, MailChimp, and to 3rd party strategic industry leading partner platforms.

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