Currently Elena Chernogolova has no open positions.

About Flo Health

Flo is the most popular health & fitness app globally, used by 200+ million women around the world, with 43 million monthly active users.

At Flo, we’ve created a unique mobile product to help women put themselves first. Using the power of data science, AI, and the knowledge of 100+ medical experts, Flo supports women during their entire reproductive lives and provides curated cycle and ovulation tracking, personalized health insights, expert tips, and a private community to share questions and concerns.

Some quick facts about us:
- Mission based product company
- #1 Women's Health App that uses AI and Data Science to support users through the reproductive cycle (AppStore Health & Fitness category by installs)
- 6 years old
- 400 employees
- 220 million installs and 46 million monthly active users worldwide
- 50 million of monthly active users
- 12% of women use Flo in the US
- 30 product teams

Company website: