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About Mustard

Mustard is democratizing the world's best coaching through proprietary AI/CV mobile applications. We'll provide every young athlete across sports with the personalized instruction necessary to continue playing sports longer than they otherwise would. After taking a side-view or front-view video, our users automatically receive simple mechanical report cards and personalized instruction from the world's best coaches and athletes (our partners include, among others, Dr. Tom House (Founder), Jason Goldsmith (Founder), Mia Hamm, Drew Brees, Ronnie Lott, Nolan Ryan, Nomar Garciaparra, Justin Rose, Cindy Parlow Cone, among others). Our AI/CV technology developed by former MLBAM engineers and based on the best owned mechanical data set in sports is more mobile and scalable than anything else on the market and will allow us to help every athlete regardless of resources.

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