
I’m a product designer, currently leading the Product Design team. I have more than 8-years of relevant experience in designing web and mobile applications for commercial and government sectors.​ I like to learn new things, interested in cognitive psychology, experimental music, and abstract arts.

Currently, I run the Product Design team in a product company. We maintain the Design System and implement new features for all company web and mobile products. I am responsible for defining, providing, and integrating design team processes inside company processes and workflow. Also, I prepare the draft script for user testing interviews, designing the user flow and UI for web, Android, and iOS platforms for different kinds of users. I collaborate with product owners, marketers, UX researcher, copywriters, developers, and designers.


Figma Miro Adobe XD Adobe Illustrator InVision Adobe Photoshop Justinmind Sympli Zeplin Axure Flinto for Mac Sketch ProtoPie Abstract Typeform Atlasian Jira / Confluence


I'm an experienced specialist that worked on complex web
and mobile projects for government and well-known companies such as Amazon, Volkswagen, Wargaming, Everton FC, and many others.

Looking for

I am interested in leading a design team for a product company. I'm able to build processes both within the design team and the processes of interaction with the design team with business and product teams from scratch. I have experience in creating design systems that include web, android, and ios platforms.

$6500 / mo

  • Ukraine, Kyiv
  • 9 years of experience
  • English: Upper-Intermediate
  • Relocate to another country
  • Remote work
  • Office
  • Published 26 April 2024