
Took part in the development of one of the most prominent and modern library management platforms in
the world with microservice architecture. Contributed to more then 6 microservices.
Tasks performed:
1. Development of new features
2. Demos for customer
3. Found a bottleneck of the application using profiling tools such as VisualVM and JProfiler, and
improved performance of one of the endpoints by 231% using optimistic locking
4. Implemented data migration script Found the source of the bug using PostgreSQL logging library
(Pgaudit) on AWS RDS instance caused by non-repeatable read database transaction isolation level
Environment: PostgreSQL, IntelliJ IDEA, Docker Desktop, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Vagrant, Rancher,
SonarQube, Jenkins, Postman, PGadmin, Git, Maven, Java 11, Vert.x (event-driven asynchronous
framework), REST, Spring, Junit 4/5, Testcontainers, Karate Testing Framework, RAML

Participated in the development of modern data provisioning and data security platform for customer
from UK. In particular, developed REST API layer on top of GraphQL layer for easier integration with client
Tasks performed:
1. Wrote asynchronous code with Project Reactor orchestrating calls to GraphQL service
2. Participated in API design discussions with Architect
3. Developed unit tests.
Environment: Cassandra, Postgres, Intellij IDEA, Git, Docker Desktop, Postman, Spring Boot, Spring
WebFlux, GraphQL, Java 8, JUnit 5, Swagger, Flowable APIyour tasks and responsibilities.

Participated in the development of an internal payment service.
Tasks performed:
1. Integrated new Kafka topics into the application
2. implemented features
3. fixed bugs
4. optimized code for performance
Environment: Java 17, Spring boot, Spring data, Gradle, PostgreSQL, JUnit, Liquibase, Kafka, Postman


Java Spring Docker Git Maven SQL Hibernate REST API Spring Boot OOP React Spring WebFlux Vert.x Spring Kafka Apache Kafka Angular TypeScript Junit4/5 microservices PostgreSQL


1) Improved performance of one of the endpoints by 231% using optimistic locking.
2) Rewrote the business logic implementation concurrently and reduced data import process from 30 minutes to 4 minutes

$2300 / mo

  • Ukraine, Lviv
  • 3 years of experience
  • English: Advanced/Fluent
  • Moving to another city
  • Remote work
  • Office
  • Part-time
  • Freelance (one-time projects)
  • Published 22 April 2024