
I'm a software engineer in commercial development. Primarily, in Android, also I have a background in Java and knowledge of Flutter. Currently, I'm working on a react-native project, and giving support with the Android part. Common activities and responsibilities:
- Elaborate maintainable, decoupled, and testable code - Project architecture growth and evolution
- Analysis of technical solutions and presentation to the team
- Develop application features from scratch to release in Google Play
- Requirements clarification with BAs, back-end, and 3rd-party team members
- Supervision of newcomers in the team, continuously improving the onboarding process
- Constant member of interviewers for middle level
- An investigation of the root cause of issues
- Code review process improvement
- Demo facilitation and presenting
Technical skills:
- Java/Kotlin
- Persistence: SQLite, Room, SharedPreferences
- Networking: Retrofit, OkHttp, GraphQl
- Multithreading: RxJava, coroutines
- Dependency injection: Dagger2
- Google Services: Google Maps, Fused Location Provider - Android SDK
- React/Native
- Agile, Kanban, Scrum - Mockito, MockK, Kotest
- Dart, Flutter


Kotlin MVVM Clean Architecture Android SDK MVP Java OOP Flutter React Native


Bussines goal oriented

$3500 / mo

  • Ukraine, Kharkiv
  • 4 years of experience
  • English: Upper-Intermediate
  • Moving to another city
  • Remote work
  • Office
  • Published 20 April 2024