
I have 1.5 years of commercial experience in java.
Also, I have 2 years of front end development.
I work in a micro-service oriented platform with next tech stack:
* Spring MVC, Security, Integration, and Data.
* Zookeeper and Kafka.
* PostgreSQL.
* TDD.

My key activities are:
* Analyze business requirements.
* Coordinate with engaged teams.
* Design solution.
* Provide well tested and clean code.
* Monitor.
* Fix possible bugs.


Data Structures algorithms Architectural design patterns UML Git Java 8 Spring Core Spring Boot Spring MVC Spring Data JPA Spring Data Redis Spring Data Mongo Spring Security Hibernate Zuul Eureka ConfigServer Ribbon OpenFeign Flyway JSP TDD PostgreSQL Redis MongoDB Docker RestAssured TestContainers Spring Integration Maven Kafka

Verified candidate

The candidate had at least one successful hire through Djinni.

$2000 / mo

  • Ukraine, Kyiv
  • 2 years of experience
  • English: Intermediate
  • Office
  • Published 13 November 2019