
FoodSta [HTML, SASS, JS, Parcel]
Website with adaptive layout. Role: Team leader.
I built the project on github, checked for build errors and helped the team with problem solving. Developed a modal window, 2 sliders and a section with heroes.
Filmoteka [HTML, SASS, JS, REST API, AJAX, Axios, Firebase, Parcel]
Website with adaptive layout. Role: Team leader.
I built the project on github, checked for build errors. Developed a team modal window and helped the team with problem solving.
The "Phonebook" [React, Redux, MUI, Emotion, React Router, Yup] project is a web application for storing and managing a list of contacts. Adaptive layout. Individual project.
ContactsApi [NodeJS, Express, CORS, MongoDB, Mongoose, JOI, Morgan ] The "ContactsApi" is a Node.js project that provides a set of API endpoints for user registration, login, and management of contacts. Individual project.
Your pets [React, Redux, Styled Components, React Router, Yup ] This is the Your Pets fullstack project, a collaborative effort by our team. It is a web application for pet lovers. Role: Team leader of Frontend team.


JavaScript Git React REST API ES6+ Webpack JSON Figma Redux HTML5/CSS3/SASS/Styled Components AJAX React Hooks Formik React Router Parcel.js React Context Node.js + Express.js MongoDB Mongoose TypeScript


Successfully completed 3 team projects ahead of deadlines, I really liked the teamwork, it's incredible emotions and useful experience. Now we are working on a team pet project, we have attracted 4 designers and 4 Java developers for the backend, 7 frontend developers and 4 NodeJS developers. We work on our product and develop our TS, Vue skills.

Looking for

I am a Frontend developer. I know CSS, HTML, JS. Also, I have mastered React. I have been coding for 1 year and during this time I have done 3 successful team projects as TeamLead and 4 individual ones. I have hands-on experience in following Agile /Scrum methodology when working in a team. Due to this I am good at core technical skills, organizational ethics and discipline. My goal is to get a job in a reputed company, where I can use my skills and knowledge to deliver good results in the long term. I am eager to achieve a good position in the company to scale up the organization’s production and growth rate and at the same time for my personal career growth as well.

Preferred language

Українська, English

$350 / mo

  • Ukraine, Odesa
  • 1 year of experience
  • English: Intermediate
  • Remote work
  • Office
  • Published 14 April 2024