
During my tenure at ABB-Bank, I specialized in developing Java-based microservices for two key projects: the Card Delivery Systems and the Paperless Branch Concept. These initiatives aimed to enhance customer experience and streamline branch operations by introducing innovative solutions such as automated card tracking and paperless transactions, thus reducing manual workload and improving efficiency. My role involved collaborating with experienced architects to translate architectural designs into practical implementations, contributing to the successful completion of these projects.

Prior to ABB-Bank, at Unibank, I focused on integrating loan request functionality into the mobile app and improving notification and identity management systems. Additionally, I participated in the migration of legacy services to Scala microservices, aiming to enhance system efficiency. My contributions aimed at enhancing user experience and system efficiency, acknowledging the importance of catering to customer needs while ensuring security and reliability.

At ATL Tech, I contributed to the development of a web platform for a dental CBCT diagnostic imaging center, which also served as a CRM system. My responsibilities included managing database operations and developing essential services to create a seamless and efficient user experience for both patients and medical professionals.


Scala Kafka Akka Docker PostgreSQL Java Linux Kubernetes MySQL Cassandra Maven REST API Play Framework SQL OOP Spring Framework Spring Boot Keycloak


ABB-Bank (International Bank of Azerbaijan):

Played a part in developing initial services for Card Delivery Systems, enabling customers to track card orders and alleviating the burden of manual card counting for branch workers.
Contributed to the completion of the Paperless Branch Concept, collaborating with the team to integrate 3D security and OTP for deposit and loan operations without necessitating customer signatures.

Collaborated with a dedicated team to integrate loan request functionality into the mobile app, enhancing its user-friendliness and catering to diverse customer needs.
Worked alongside colleagues to enhance notification and identity management systems, aiming to improve security and deliver a smoother user experience.
Participated in a team effort to migrate legacy services to Scala microservices, focusing on improving overall system efficiency.
ATL Tech:

Contributed to the development of a web platform for a dental CBCT diagnostic imaging center, functioning as a CRM system for patients and doctors alike, as part of a collaborative effort with the team.

Preferred language


$4500 / mo

  • Azerbaijan, Any
  • 4 years of experience
  • English: Advanced/Fluent
  • Relocate to another country
  • Moving to another city
  • Remote work
  • Office
  • Published 5 April 2024