
I have 5+ years of experience in iOS and Flutter development across wellbeing, tourism, fintech, and medtech domains.

I have:

- Released 2 iOS apps written from scratch (SwiftUI/UIKit, Combine, SQLite, CoreLocation, GoogleMaps, MapKit, AVFoundation);
- Maintained an old legacy Objective-C project and partially migrated it to Swift using a "modularization" approach (UIKit/SwiftUI, SQLite, WidgetKit, SiriKit, MapKit, UserNotifications, CoreLocation);
- Implemented new features and designs for iOS, WatchOS, and cross-platform Flutter apps;
- Worked with embedded devices and BLE.
In all projects I've worked on, I used the functional reactive approach (RxSwift, Combine, RxDart). I find functional programming as a paradigm very interesting.


Git Swift CoreData UIKit iOS SwiftUI Objective-C CoreLocation MVC/ MVP/ MVVM RxSwift Combine MapKit Swift Package Manager Server-Side-Swift Vapor MVC/MVVM+C/TCA TCA SQLite GCD Push Notifications С/C++


When I worked on a fintech project, we used UIKit, as SwiftUI was released recently. I created wrappers for UIKit that resembled SwiftUI. This allowed us to create UIKit UI using a declarative approach with RxSwift. I developed and tested the solution, and we implemented it in the project.

When SwiftUI was first released, I began a new project using it. One of the challenges I faced was using UserDefaults without complications. To address this, I created "AppStorage" before Apple released their own version. My solution works starting from iOS 13.3, while Apple's version requires iOS 14.

Looking for

For my upcoming work, I'm interested in a full-time role focusing on a SwiftUI & Combine-based app, ideally using The Composable Architecture or a similar functional method.

From this job, I'm looking for:

- Chances to improve my skills in SwiftUI, Combine, and functional programming;
- A friendly team that supports learning and development;
- Learning about different fields, broadening my understanding of the industry;
- Being part of decisions on app structure and technology selection;
- A balance between demanding tasks and my personal time;
- A dedication to good practices, quality coding, and constant progress.

Preferred language

Українська, English

$4500 / mo

  • Ukraine, Kyiv
  • 5 years of experience
  • English: Intermediate
  • Remote work
  • Published 26 April 2024