
IT and Operations professional 14+ years
- Executive search
- Customer success
- Business development


customer care customer relations customer retention customer service it sales


1. mAssistance & Premium support
That brought us about 20% increase in revenue
2. Retention
Refunds decrease as a result of creating Customer Care department that worked with problematic orders (these were also about 20-30% of the total orders) offering clients credit. So by creating a system of such a dedicated support we managed to hold the % of refunds in between 1-2% out of the total amount of orders; not processing the refunds saving money for the company, showing good processing track for the payment pocessing system (merchant) and making our customer stay.
3. Calls
Non-paid orders/forms are very frequent for B2C. I've analysed that we have more than 30% of non-paids by various reasons (you always need to talk to your clients even if you sell a top-notch tech solution). Customer pays for the service and your attention to them. Tested by 10 yrs non-stop experience. I've re-organized the existing sales team having two (later on more) people work on non-paids by calling the clients and helping them fill in the form. We've got that 30% back!
4. Customer's journey. I was one of the first Zendesk's clients integrating their CRM into the business. That helped us a lot to analyse and classify requests by TYPE and urgently assist our clients and also making the product better by tracking the stat-s and asking for their feedback. We've passed the stat-s to our dev team so that the product got improved immediately.
5. Escalation
While developing a software you face endless product improvement and its compatibility on clients' side. It is important to have the processes being escalated correctly and punctually to all teams (dev, billing, marketing, sales, etc).

Looking for

These are few examples I believe might lead me closer to the point on what areas drive me the most. And these are (but not limited to) building processes, constantly looking for new possibilities, offering alternatives, learning NEW and making experiments=testing hypothesis. And never forgetting that customer is the reason we have a job.

$3000 / mo

  • Ukraine, Kyiv
  • 10 years of experience
  • English: Advanced/Fluent
  • Office
  • Remote work
  • Freelance (one-time projects)
  • Published 26 September 2020