Trainee JavaScript Developer (offline)

Lviv only!!!



Our client is the world’s #1 web data platform. Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, and small businesses all rely on our solutions to retrieve crucial public web data in the most efficient, reliable, and flexible way, so they can research, monitor, analyze data, and make better decisions.



- Basic knowledge of OOP and Functional programming;

- Good knowledge of JavaScript (ES6/7/8) and work with browser DOM (searching elements, iterating, getting content);

- A basic understanding of Web scraping is a must;

- Web scraping experience in JS or Python would be a plus;

- Basic knowledge of Git;

- Intermediate English is written and verbal communication skills;

- Ability to learn quickly and grow in the technical area;

- Analytical mind and problem-solving aptitude;



- Participate in various activities as required for project success: discussing approaches, possible technology solutions, investigations, and development;

- Adding new functionality to existing systems, while constantly improving usability, quality, and performance;

- Contribute to project deliverables, mood, and success.