Cloud Security engineer (offline)

You'll have extensive experience:


- With SecOps activities, including system administration, operations governance, threat and vulnerability management, and incident response

- Of privileged access management, vulnerability management, secrets management and access control

- Securing cloud infrastructure solutions in any of the major public cloud offerings – AWS/Azure or GCP

- Dealing with security logs and creating actionable insight

- Programming/scripting languages such as PowerShell, Puppet or Bash to automate tasks enabling information security at speed and scale

- Modifying and maintaining Infrastructure as Code and using build provisioning tools such as Terraform, Packer, Team City, Jenkins, etc

- Strong understanding of cybersecurity standards and frameworks such as ISO 27001, CIS, OWASP NIST

- Developing, implementing and reporting upon SecOps key performance indicators

- Improving security knowledge of colleagues and stakeholders at all levels