Junior Angular developer (offline)

New ambitious project in the field of digital art + blockchain. We are looking for an intelligent person who is open-minded, ready to learn and work. If you have an analytical mindset and ready to solve interesting problems - you have the opportunity to become a part of our team in the productive direction of development.


- 1+ year experience with Angular;

- level of proficiency in English - Intermediate;

- willingness to work in a new project;

- the ability to organize your work.

Would be a plus:

work with rxjs, restapi, redux, routing (lazyloading), AWS, ChangeDetection, flex layout.

About workrocks

Компания Workrocks — надежный поставщик высокотехнологичных программных решений для бизнеса с 2002 года.

The job ad is no longer active
Job unpublished on 13 March 2022

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